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Dorias is a continent in the Grey Sea States.


Dorias(called "Xyrû" in Coscivian) is distinguished by the Diori Range, a chain of mountains that cover much of the continent's interior. Plateaus and coastal plains descend from the mountains and into the Grey Sea and the Surrounding Ocean.


Dorias has a vairety of climates, and a virety of vegetation types. Southeast Dorias is covered in various types of forests. The area around Amaratsu is lightly forested, with many areas of farmland and grassland. The Northern Plain, containg Euleos and its neighbours, is of medium forest density, and has meadows, fields, and other cleared areas.

Human Geography

Dorias is the most populous landmass in the region. It is home to most of the nations and economic institutions as well.

The population desnity is lowest at the heart of the Diori range, and hiighest in the semicoastal areas of the resident nations.

Decendants of the early migrants to the region make up the population of the North, Northeast, and Southwest parts of the continent, while mixed Norse and Japanese peoples settled Amaratsu. The only settler population on the continent that maintains political ties to the motherland are the Xiryans, principally of Cosciv Kiravian descent. There is a different sort of native population in Xirya, unrelated to that of Euleos and Britvia, that is increasingly migrating to Runkirr and elsewhere.


The high population of Dorias is checked by a wealth of natural resources.

THe mountains provide various minerals, which are key to Xirya's industrial economy. THe forests also provide a good export. Farmland is plentiful in most parts of the landmass, save for Xirya and the surrounding lands.

See Also