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Type of religion:
Founded: early 1800's
God(s): God, Jesus Christ, Kami
Holy texts: Holy Bible, Book of Christaoism
Followers: {{{followers}}}
Practised in: Kanami
High Priest: Yukito Tanazaki

Also known as Christaoism

A relgion mostly native to Kanami based on Christanity and Shintoism. It combines both aspect, worshiping God, and Christ, and the Administring Angels (or in Shinto terms Kami,) that help over see things important to life, such as wind, rain, mountains, trees, rivers and fertility) Although they make sure God is given all credit as the creater.


A religion devloped in the mid 1700's by several Shinto and Christian Priests, but quickly died out. Yasashii Himura was taught the religion by her teacher, and started preaching it. Soon she had convinced many to join the religion. Today it is still practiced widley, and commonly.

Belifes, Teaching, and Practices

It practices the Christan Doctorin as well as the Shinto. It belives that God and Jesus are seperate entities, and belives the Holy Ghost (as in Mormon Doctorine) is a Kami spirit.

Four affirmations

Modified Shinto doctorine tells to live the 10 Commandments, and other laws of God. of living "a good, pure, and harmonious life with nature and people", there are said to be "Four Affirmations" of the Shinto spirit:

  • Tradition and the family: The family is seen as the main mechanism by which traditions are preserved. Their main celebrations relate to birth and marriage.
  • Love of nature: Nature is sacred; to be in contact with nature is to be close to the kami. Natural objects are worshipped as containing sacred spirits.
  • Physical cleanliness: Followers of Shinto take baths, wash their hands, and rinse out their mouth often.
  • "Matsuri": Any festival dedicated to the Kami and God, of which there are many each year.


Christao teaches that certain deeds create a kind of ritual impurity (like sin) that one should want cleansed for one's own peace of mind and good fortune. Wrong deeds are called kegare (literally, "dirtiness"), opposed to kiyome (purity). Normal days are called ke (day), and festive days are called hare (sunny, or simply good). Killing living beings should be done with reverence for taking a life to continue one's own, or as a means of food, and should be kept to a minimum. Killing another human being is NOT tolerated, unless you are a soldier in war, or like stated above. Great emphasis is place on the importance of aisatsu, or ritual phrases and greetings. Before eating, most (though not all) say "itadakimasu" ("I will humbly receive [this food]") in order to show proper thankfulness to the preparer of the meal in particular and more generally to all those living things that lost their lives to make the meal. Failure to show proper respect can be seen as a lack of concern for others, looked down on because it is believed to create problems for all. Those who fail to take into account the feelings of other people and God, will only bring ruin on themselves. The worst expression of such an attitude is the taking of another's life for personal advancement or enjoyment. Those killed without being shown gratitude for their sacrifice will hold "urami" (a grudge) and become aragami, a powerful and evil kamis of Satan, that seek revenge. This same emphasis on the need for cooperation and collaboration can be seen today. Long prayers are also heavily encouraged, beliving, long prayers are like talking with God Face to face. It is suppose to strengthen your faith in him, and uderstand, why things are the way they are. During services, prayers aren't very long, most thank for the blessings they have, and that is it, but during personal solitued, that is when most will pray for 10 15 even 30 minutes


Purification rites are a vital part of Christaoism. It's part of redemption for impurities, and allows God to forgive you. However there is a thing known as unforgivable impurity. When God has seen you marvel, or do not change your ways of the impurity, you can not be forgiven and return to Celestial Glory.

A more personal purification rite is the purification by water. This may involve standing beneath a waterfall or performing ritual ablutions in a river-mouth or in the sea. Otherwise in a Baptizmal Pool blessed by Shinto Priests.

Love Thy Fellow Neighbor as thy Self

This is a commandment taken seriously. Christao teaches tolerance, and respect for other people, and religions. It stongly denoucnes bigotry, hate, and prejudice. If a member was an active Klansman, or Nazi, that person could be disfellowshipped. If the person engages in "Ethnic Cleansing." That person can and will be be excomunicated.

Chistao's are encouraged to care for the poor and needy. jinkei, (Charity) is a common practice.

After Life

Chisto teaches after judgment, there are three main kingdoms to which men may be assigned: the Celestial Kingdom, the Terrestrial Kingdom, and the Telestial Kingdom. Their glory is compared by analogy to the brightness of the sun, moon, and stars in the sky, respectively.

The Celestial Kingdom is the highest kingdom, where the righteous will live with God and with their families. As mentioned above, accountable individuals must repent, be baptized, and follow Jesus Christ to gain entrance to the Celestial Kingdom; all children who die before the age of accountability (which is 12 years) automatically inherit the celestial kingdom. This kingdom includes multiple degrees of glory, the highest of which is exaltation. Exaltation is the reward which is believed to be given to the righteous. Through exaltation, a person can eventually become like Jesus Christ, or as it is expressed in scripture, a joint-heir with Him. (See Romans 8:17. Also see 1st Cor. 15:40-42) This was addopted from the LDS teachings, however they teach you do not have to be LDS to enter the Celestial Kingdom, just a faithful and loyal Christain.

The Terrestrial Kingdom is for those good people who are not valiant in following Jesus and those who do not accept the Gospel. This kingdom is one of great glory, but without the presence of God the Father. An ultimate willingness to keep the Ten Commandments is considered essential to enter this kingdom.

The Telestial Kingdom is the kingdom for murderers, adulterers, and others who do not accept the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This is also considered a kingdom of glory and has been described as being much better than even earthly life. All those who do not qualify for a higher degree of glory will enter this kingdom unless they deny God, after witnissing manifstation, a sin it is believed very few people are able to commit.

Those few people who do, after gaining a full knowledge of the Gospel, willfully deny and contend against the Holy Ghost, inherit no glory. Most members of the Church refer to this state as Outer Darkness (not to be confused with traditional Christianity's definition of the term). An individual so banished is called a Son of Perdition. Forgiveness is not possible for these souls, though they will be resurrected.

Before people dwell eternally in their assigned kingdom of glory, they go through resurrection and judgment. Those who have not been offered the chance to hear the doctrines of Jesus Christ during life on Earth will have the opportunity to do so prior to the judgment.


This was addopted from the LDS teachings, in the early 1900's. However Christao teach you do not have to be LDS to enter the Celestial Kingdom, just a faithful and loyal Christain.


Most meetings are held in a house of worship for Christao. Meetings and sermons are held on Sunday, the Sabbith, but additonal activites and surmons occasionally are held. Kids can attend a weekly "kenpei" (unity) group, where they do activites both relgious and non religos (such as Career scouting, and games) People are also encouraged to give worship at shrines.

Shinto priests often wear a ceremonial robe called a jo-e. But most just wear a Kimono. Both men and women give surmons, and blessings.

Short services are held on Christmas, but usually for an hour. They perfer people be with their families more.

Words of Wisdom

Also partially adopted from LDS belifes, they are taught to abstain from harmful proudcts such as tobbacco, alchol, and other drugs. Although tea isn't discouraged, nor is coffe.

Marriage and Family

Marriage is encouraged, as well as family. Families are encouraged to have lots of children (if econmocially feesable)

Same sex marriage is fround upon, but not forbidden. One who practices Same-Sex is sent to a diffrent church where they can feel comftrable amongst people that also practice it.

Adultry is discouraged, as well as Sex out of marriage.

Culture Effects

This religion has been dubed the religion of Kanami. While it isn't forced by the government. A good amount of the Kanamian Population follows this. About 45%

International Status

The religion hasn't spreaded out much internationally. But it has plans to.