Valeria Mahone

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Seth Mahone
Valeria Allana Mahone
Current Age
Tocrowkian Protestant

Valeria Allana Mahone (Born January 2nd, 1989) is the younger sister and youngest female in the current generation of the House of Mahone, the prestigious Tocrowkian family that currently sits on the throne of Steward. Her brother, Seth Mahone is the current Steward. Being related to the most powerful man in the Tocrowkian Reich has afforded Valeria great deal of fame.

Early Life

Valeria Mahone, born the youngest daughter of Alastor and Kirsta Mahone in the city of Kharazuma showed apathy and disinterest in politics and the military from an early age. Though this was of course a disappointment to her parents and her siblings, most especially Seth whom would later go onto become Steward of the Tocrowkian Reich, her decisions were respected and she was allowed to attend a civilian private school, instead of a military academy, which is the norm of most Tocrowkian nobles.

Instead, Valeria wished to attend the prestigious Academy of Liberal Arts in the city of Paxis, with the ambition of graduating with a degree in the Tocrowkian language.

The Revolution

Though she was never as important of a figure in the Tocrowkia Revolution as her siblings, this did not prevent rival groups from attempting to assassinate the youngest Mahone on two separate occasions while she attended the Academy of Liberal Arts during the month of April.

Both plots involved explosives placed in certain locations. One, under her car, failed to explode fully, and the other, placed in her apartment was discovered by her bodyguards before it could be detonated. Though she suffered only minor injuries from the first attempt, Valeria was evacuated to a secure, classified location for the remainder of the war.


After the civil war, Valeria took a semi-active role in politics while she studied at the Academy of Arts. She began to champion humanitarian causes around the world, and was one of the main figures in organizing Live Aid 2007, a series of benefit concerts that took place in the summer of that year, with the proceeds being donated to charity and humanitarian organizations around the globe.

In her personal life, Valeria is reportedly still single, having ignored all the advances leveed her way, being both a very pretty and wealthy girl. Her favorite hobbies allegedly include drawing, drinking coffee on cold days and dancing.