Cianar Aranathas

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Cianar Aranathas, fourth King of Altanar

Cianar Aranathas is the former King of Altanar, and the father of the current King. He was the fourth king of Altanar, and the only one who has 'retired' from his position, rather than dying in office.

Birth and schooling

Cianar was born on March 26th, 1936 at the Royal Military Hospital in Ael Khalas. Like all Altanari monarchs, he grew up in the royal palace, the Aerie, and attended Ael Khalas public schools for his primary and secondary schooling. For tertiary schooling, Cianar entered the Altanari War College at Fort Olen in 1954, at age 18. He earned an officer's commission in the Royal Guards, eventually finishing his military career with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. He also attended classes at the Royal University of Ael Khalas, although he did not earn a degree from that institution.

Cianar first became king in 1974, following the death of his father, Cebratha. Upon becoming King, Cianar took the nation in a radical new direction.

Cianar's "Reign of Compassion"

Cianar's reign would be characterized by a huge expansion of the Altanari welfare state, with specific emphasis on helping the poor and on improving Altanar's educational system. Many new schools and hospitals opened during this period. A national healthcare program was implemented, as was a program of free college education for the disadvantaged. A social safety network and welfare program were established for the first time as well. While this proved to be a great boon in the short term, over the long term it did significant damage to Altanar's economy. The greatly expanded welfare state was funded by heavy tax increases, particularly on industrial and commercial interests. This did not please foreign or domestic industries, and led to a sharp decline in Altanar's economic power. In addition, much of the funding for the military and law enforcement sectors was diverted to social welfare, education and healthcare spending, leaving Altanar's military and police severely weakened by the end of Cianar's reign.

The "Jewel in His Crown", and Cianar's abdication

Cianar's wife, Queen Agani, was a figure greatly loved not just by Cianar, but by the people. Queen Agani was a generous, charitable and philanthropic figure who believed that the best purpose of the power of the Crown was to make the nation a better place for its people. They met while Agani, the daughter of the noble family of Lukisha Province, was attending the Royal University of Ael Khalas when Cianar studied there. By all accounts, their marriage was one based on a deep and abiding love for each other, and for their people. Cianar often referred to Agani as the "jewel in my crown".

In February 2000, Queen Agani died in a plane crash attributed to the failure of an outdated military transport. This revelation profoundly shook Cianar, who blamed himself for the military spending cuts that may have led to the accident. After a month of mourning, Cianar informed the nation in a televised address that he would become the first King of Altanar to ever abdicate his throne. Cianar handed the throne over to the current King, his son Aelkyn, and seemed destined to fade into relative obscurity as a 'retired' King.

Cianar's comeback

While Cianar seemed initially willing, and even eager, to fade away, his son had none of it. Despite past mistakes, and even with his advancing age, Cianar was still an intelligent, vital and compassionate man with the potential to lead.

After Cianar was himself nearly killed in a plot to take over the Altanari throne by Aelkyn's opponents in early 2007, and the decisive leadership and creativity the former King showed in extricating himself from the plot, Aelkyn asked his father if he would return to service as a sort of roving ambassador, a representative for Altanar to the world. Cianar accepted the assignment, seeing it as a way to regain his desire to live, and to contribute to the world, after the death of his wife.