Free World Alliance

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The Charter of the Free World Alliance


Fundamental Freedoms are essential for the social, political, and economic development of all nations and the well being of its peoples. At this time of heightened international tensions and worldwide conflict, the principles set forth within the Charter of the United Nations seem increasingly at risk from those who would seek to destroy the very way of life enjoyed by free and democratic people. The Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture and the Great Protectorate of FreeDemGov can no longer sit idly by as such abuses occur unchallenged, and asks the support and assistance of the international community towards the creation of a Free World Alliance among the freedom-loving nations, so that it may become a bulwark against the forces of tyranny and oppression.

Chapter I: Scope

ARTICLE I The Parties recognise the peoples of the Free World Alliance have a right to fundamental freedoms and to representative democracy exercised in accordance with the rule of law, and undertake to comply and respect the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all international instruments on Human Rights, Civil Rights and Worker's Rights.

ARTICLE II As such, the Parties undertake to develop and strengthen the friendly and peaceful relations among them, and to promote and defend the fundamental principles of Democracy and Human Rights for the good of regional and international peace and security.

Chapter II: Membership Requirements

ARTICLE III Amendment II No Party shall be accepted into the Free World Alliance whose Civil Rights and Political Freedoms are classified below the level of "Good" in their daily United Nations Report.

I. Any nation applying for membership that does not fit all or part of these requirements shall be granted a grace period of seven days from the date of their intiial application to improve their UN ratings to a standard acceptable for entrance into this Alliance.

II. If, by then, they have not improved their Civil Rights and Political Freedoms, they shall be ejected, and not considered for re-application for a week.

III. During this grace period they shall be granted probationary status within the Alliance to observe the ongoings of the Alliance, until which point they have been accepted or rejected for full membership.

Chapter III: Mutual Defence

ARTICLE IV The Parties agree that an armed attack against one or more of them shall be considered an attack against them all and consequently they agree that, if such an armed attack occurs, each of them, in exercise of the right of individual or collective self-defence recognised by ARTICLE 51 of the Charter of the United Nations, will assist the Party or Parties so attacked such action as it deems necessary, including the use of armed force, to restore and maintain the security of the Free World.

ARTICLE V The parties agree, pursuant to ARTICLE II and ARTICLE IV of this charter, to establish a permanent, directly recruited Joint Rapid Reaction Force (“JRRF”) to hold the peace in a crisis, police gross violations of human rights and support multilateral defence against aggression and genocide.

Chapter IV: Governance, Procedure and Decision Making

ARTICLE VI The Parties hereby establish a Governing Council to constitute the policy-making body of the Alliance. It shall include an elected Chairperson, seven permanent seats and five elected temporary seats. It shall consist of the following:

I. The two Founding Nations of the Free World Alliance, being the: (a) Great Protectorate of FreeDemGov (B) Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture

II. Five permanent members, being those senior nations who represent the first cadre of Member States to join the Alliance: (a) Googleistic Democracy of Googlewoop (B) Principality of Damirez [c) People's Republic of Alfegos (d) (e)

III. Five temporary members, each Member Nation having the right, in accordance with the principle of rotation, to serve on the Governing Council.

IV. A Chairperson, who shall be elected from among the members of the Governing Council, who shall preside at all meetings and perform all acts incident to the office of the Chairperson, and shall have such additional powers and duties as may from time to time be assigned by the Governing Council.

ARTICLE VII The Governing Council shall meet for regular sessions. Between regular sessions it shall meet as often as may be required for the fulfilment of its powers and functions.

ARTICLE VIII The Parties, including all Signatory Member States to this Charter, agree to accept and carry out the decisions of the Governing Council in accordance with the present Charter.

ARTICLE IX The Governing Council shall elaborate its rules of procedure and may establish such subsidiary organs as it deems necessary for the performance of its functions.

Chapter V: Voting Rights

ARTICLE X Each member of the Governing Council shall have one vote. The voting rights of the Parties are set forth below:

I. Unless otherwise specified in this Charter, the Governing Council shall take decisions on matters of substance by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present at a meeting.

II. The Governing Council shall take decisions on questions of procedure by a simple majority of all its members present at a meeting.

III. Non-voting members of the Alliance may participate in the discussion of any question brought before the Governing Council.

Chapter VI: Amendments

ARTICLE XI Any Party may propose or submit directly to the Governing Council an amendment or revision to the articles of this Charter. The amendments shall be approved by a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the members present at a meeting. The amendments shall then enter into immediate force.

Chapter VII: Settlement of Disputes

ARTICLE XII I. The Parties undertake to resolve any differences in their relations with each other by peaceful means, and shall refrain from the use of force or threat to use force, in order to avoid endangering regional and international peace and security.

II. The Parties concerned shall consult together with a view to the expeditious settlement of the dispute by negotiation or by other peaceful means of the parties' choice, including by mutual consent or referal to a third-party mediator.

III. The Governing Council may contribute to the settlement of a dispute by whatever means it deems appropriate, including offering its good offices, calling upon the Member States to a dispute to start the settlement process of their choice and recommending a time-limit for any agreed procedure.

Chapter VIII: Withdrawal, Suspension and Expulsion

ARTICLE XIII Amendment II Any Party that fails to comply with the terms set by this Charter may find their membership of the Free World Alliance suspended or terminated for any of the following reasons:

I. A failure to maintain a rating of “Good” or better in the categories of Civil Rights and Political Freedoms in their United Nations Report.

A nation shall be notified by the Chairperson of the Governing Council and shall be given a grace period of three days to correct their ratings and if failing or refusing to do so, shall then be suspended until they correct their ratings.

II. Any acts of abuse violating the fundamental rights of the citizens of a Member State, or of any other sovereign state. This shall result in the permanent expulsion of the offender, who shall then be dealt with by the Alliance accordingly.

III. The threat of force or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state, except for the legitimate purpose of individual or collective self-defence against an unprovoked armed attack.

An violator shall be suspended from the Alliance for a period of three days to come to a peaceful resolution, and if failing to do so, shall then be expelled from this Alliance.

IV. A nation that uses lethal chemical, biological or radiological weapons of mass destruction (WMD) against the civilian population or the military forces of another State Party shall be expelled permanently from this Alliance, who shall then deal with them accordingly.

Only in circumstances consistent with ARTICLE IV of the Charter, where a nation is, ipso facto, the victim of an unprovoked attack using WMD, shall the Alliance support a proportional strategic retaliatory response up to and including the use of conventional and WMD weapon systems, targeting only the military and WMD capacity of the aggressor state in order to prevent any further attack.

ARTICLE XIV Membership in the Free World Alliance may additionally be terminated in the following manner, to wit:

I. Any member may voluntarily withdraw its membership by submitting a written declaration of withdrawal to the Chairperson.

II. A member may be expelled for a cause from the Alliance by a vote of at least four-fifths (4/5) of the members present at a meeting of the Governing Council.

Chapter IX: Ratification

ARTICLE XV This Charter shall be open to the signature of the Members of the Free World Alliance. It shall be ratified. Ratifications shall be deposited with the founding nations of the Free World Alliance.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE, the undersigned, being the Heads of State or Government, or duly authorised representatives thereto, have signed this Charter.

The Great Protectorate of FreeDemGov The Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture The Googleistic Democracy of Googlewoop The Divinus Imperium d' Intracircumcordei (ICCD-Intracircumcordei) The Principality of Damirez The Wilhelm-Hatarian Empire The Commonwealth of Overbecland The Liberal Republic of Hamturwinske The People's Republic of Alfegos The United States of Zoingo The Experimental Communes of Mephras The Kingdom of Pinginum The United States of Allanea The Fourth Republic of Kansiov The Free Land of Turinas

The Free World Alliance Convention on Fundamental Freedoms

The Governments signatory hereto, being Members of the Free World Alliance,

CONSIDERING the Universal Declaration of Human Rights proclaimed by the General Assembly of the United Nations;

CONSIDERING that the Charter of the Free World Alliance recognizes that representative democracy and respect for human rights is indispensable for the stability, peace, and development of all nations;

BEARING IN MIND that the aim of the Free World Alliance is the achievement of greater unity between its Members and that one of the methods by which the aim is to be pursued is the maintenance and further realization of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms;

REAFFIRMING their profound belief in those Fundamental Freedoms which are the foundation of justice and peace in the world and are best maintained on the one hand by an effective political democracy and on the other by a common understanding and observance of the Human Rights upon which they depend;


To adopt the following:

Chapter I: Rights and Obligations

ARTICLE I The High Contracting Parties recognise the effective exercise of representative democracy and respect for fundamental rights is essential for the social, political, and economic development of the peoples of the whole world.

ARTICLE II The High Contracting Parties shall recognise and secure to everyone within their jurisdiction the following rights, freedoms and obligations:

I. Compliance and respect for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and all international instruments on Human Rights

II. Compliance and respect for the six core treaties of the United Nations on economic, social and cultural rights; civil and political rights; racial discrimination; discrimination against women, children's rights, torture, and the Conventions on genocide, refugees and labour standards.

This Treaty does not affect, and shall not be interpreted as affecting in any way the rights, laws, the constitutions and sovereignty of the High Contracting Parties.

Chapter II: Exceptions and Emergencies

ARTICLE III In time of war or other public emergency threatening the life of the nation any High Contracting Party may take measures derogating from its obligations under this Convention to the extent strictly required by the exigencies of the situation, provided that such measures are not inconsistent with its other obligations under international law.

Chapter III: Observance and Disputes

ARTICLE IV The High Contracting Parties agree to review periodically the actions adopted and carried out by the Free World Alliance to promote dialogue, cooperation for integral development, and to take the appropriate measures to further these objectives, including:

(a) Democracy and Electoral Observation Missions (b) Economic Aid (c) Promotion of democratic culture (d) Social-economic cooperation including the free movement of goods and persons

ARTICLE V I. Any party that undertakes to interrupt or suspend the fundamental rights of its own citizens, or those of another nation, through war, discrimination or economic sanction, except under ARTICLE III conditions, shall immediately be suspended from the Free World Alliance.

II. They shall be placed in arbitration in accordance with the procedures set forth in ARTICLE XIII of the Free World Alliance Charter, until a time that the situation that led to suspension has been resolved, or the party has been permanently expelled in accordance with the said procedures.

Chapter IV: Ratification This Convention shall be open to the signature of the Members of the Free World Alliance. It shall be ratified. Ratifications shall be deposited with the founding nations of the Free World Alliance.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, WE, the undersigned, being the Heads of State or Government, or duly authorised representatives thereto, have signed this Convention.

The Unitary Technocracy of Etoile Arcture The Principality of Damirez The People's Republic of Alfegos