History of Kampfers

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Early History

Scholars maintain that the Armed Republic of Kampfers was founded circa 650 B.C. An exact date, however, cannot be attached to the creation of this country because the founders were illiterate and did not record their early history. It is know, however that Kampfers was founded by the nomadic Kampferian peoples. After a few harsh years when the climate did not favor livestock production, the Kampferian peoples decided to settle down and create a new society. After several hundred years, the first national school was founded. This gave rise to literate citizens who, after studying the successfull countries of the world, decided a revolution was in order.

The First Kampferian Revolution

Students, brandishing swords and other assorted weapons, quickly gained control of Kampfers Stadt. They beheaded the ruling oligarchy and took over the government with virtually no resistance. This was in part due to the elder generations lack of knowledge about weapons. They then established a governmental system with two branches, the legislative and the executive. However, fatal flaws doomed this government.

Middle Ages

During this period, Kampfers was constantly mired in failure. 90% of the population lived below the poverty line, and oft corrupt Chancellors cared little to fix that. There are many reported cases of these Chancellors embezzeling the government funds. The most notorious of these Chancellors was Chancellor Bismark. He did everything in his power to make the common man miserable. It was during the Middle Ages that English and German were established as the two National Languages. However, very few people knew how to read or write either language due to a lack of government spending on education. The continued poverty of the masses led to wide-spread emigration for a period of 10-15 years.

The Glorius Revolution

Three years ago, a new Chancellor by the name of Fuhrer Richtoff was elected upon his promise to "End impoverishment forever." He swiftly moved against the bicameral legislative branch, suspending them indefinetely. While the public was initially outraged, after his first year in office the citizens of Kampfers began to notice dramatic improvements in their way of life. After resoundingly reelecting him that year, Fuhrer Richtoff sensed his chance. He disbanded the legislative branch altogether, and this time the public applauded. While subtle pockets of resistance remained, he relentlessly crushed them with the Kampfers Spec-Ops Army. The few resistors who survived were rounded up and labeled as "anarchists." After 3 months spent living in internment camps, these anarchists were sent on the horrifying Anarchia Death March, a greuling journey into a barren desert. As this revolution has led to the evolution of Kampfers into a great nation, it has become known as "The Glorius Revolution." Now, Fuhrer Richtoff has Kampfers on the precipé of international greatness.