Lapalam transport

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Lapalamian have a strong sense of nature and they tend to respect everything in reality.
That's the reason why engeneers from all around the world, gathered through the private blog, came up to a simpler, cheaper and less polluting solution (some say that Von Iags gave them most part of the ideas and they shaped it).


Cabs are simple boxes (the evolution of their design can be found in the "Lapalamian museum of cab art") that carry people around Lapalam.
Cabs are elctro-mechanic powered and they don't produce exaust gas, they don't need to be driven, they are totally self-sufficients.
A cab is powered by the street energy, streets, in lapalam, have rails in the middle (the larger they are, the more rails they have), these rails are two parallel bars of steel 5 centimeters distant from each other. Under these two bars (at a children's safe distance) an energy cable follows every street.
Cabs have a hook with 8 wheels (basicly, there are different kinds of structures for cabs, according to use, capacity and speed) that hangs on the energy cable and drives the structure. In the beginning cabs only had one speed gear, now they are set to run as fast as they can, according to some street laws.
Inside a cab you can find a Nav (the "Navigator"), the seats (according to the kind of cab you're using) and a luggage compartment.

Kind of Cabs

Cabs can be:

  • Private
  • Public

Public cabs can be:

  • Single
  • Multi
  • For masses (trains)

A Single public cab is a small cab that can carry three people at most, it has a normal size boot and sometimes it can have more than one gear. Single public cabs can be called from every corner of Lapalam and, in average conditions, they arrive in two minutes. They are used for people who don't own a private cab and they are to be payed each time they are used (according to destinations).
A Multi public cab is a huge cab that can carry up to 20 people, it has a huge boot and it usually have more than two gear (huge cabs need a starting gear, lower than the normal cruising speed). Multi public cabs have a set route and a set leaving/arriving time, the in between stops are on call. When you get on the Multi, you set the place where you want to get off (you can avoid this if you plan to go till the terminus or if you want to jump off at any time), when someone is near the route and needs a Multi, he/she can call for it (every Multi's route can afford up to 3 route deviation per run), otherwise the Multi will go directly to destination. They are used for large amount of people or singles who don't have a private cab or have to go to a place where the Multi is passing. Multis cost less than Singles.
Trains are huge and fast cabs that can carry up to 500 people (in a comfortable seat) and they usually have more than two gears. Trains have a set route, a set timetable and a list of stops, they