History of Kampfers

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Early History

A Nomadic Peoplegroup

For many years, there were no traces of Kampferian people roaming the plains in which they inhabit today. Then, around 4000 BCE, small clues of civilization began to be left behind. Small things, such as stone hammers and the like, began to be found. In 1956, Kampferian archeologist Albert Princeton discovered a grave site that is estimated to be from 3500 BCE. The oldest known gravesite, it contained the remains of a man inside a small coffin with no other decorations beside a small scroll with what is assumed to be the man's name, showing that the Kampferians of old had little regard for the afterlife. These Kampferians never founded true villages, but rather lived a nomadic lifestyle. In the time when most other civilizations were first grouping together into small civilizations, the Kampferian peoples were still nomadic herders, watching their goats devour the small roots of the trees and eat the grass. Some sects of the populace were less freindly, and made their living by hunting the animals raised by the others, as Kampfers lacked for undomesticated wildlife. These raids were detailed in cave paintings in the eastern and more mountainous sections of Kampfers, some of the first signs of Kampferian culture. Today, due to a lack of proper care, many of these cave paintings have been lost, and the remaining ones are strictly protected by the government.

Coming Together

The first recorded Kampferian civilization was a small city-state on the Ether River, slightly upstream of the current location of Kampfers Stadt, at circa 2570 BCE. The quality of life rose so much in that city that numerous others popped up all around the Gulf of der Stadt and along the Ether River. By the time that the 2nd millennium BCE came around, scholars maintain that a loose confederation of all the city states had been established, garunteeing the Kampferian city states dominance over the region. Not only did this reduce any foreign aggression, but it also reduced tribal infighting, which laid a crucial foundation that all the governments of Kampfers would later stand on. Relics of this time remain, and can be seen in the architectural ruins along the beaches of the Gulf of der Stadt, and most notably along the outskirts of Kampfers Stadt.

Kanpferian league, go in detail
eventually come to unification
Then richtoffs "revolution" and then rpd history[/to come]

kampfflagsmall.png The Neo-Prussian Parliamentary Dictatorship of Kampfers kampfflagsmall.png
Main article: Kampfers
Military and Intelligence: Grand Kampferian Army, Kampferian Lufftwaffe, Kampferian Navy, Kampferian Intelligence Bureau
People: Fuhrer Richtoff, Jorg Klischten, George Matthews, Bill Richardson, John Shindle, Oberto Alledo, Billy Shire
Miscellaneous: Constitution of Kampfers, Hail Kampfers!, History of Kampfers, Kampferian Weaponry, Kampfers Stadt, Kampfers University, Kampferian Mark