Geography of Gurenn

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Gurenn is Gurennese for 'moon-origin'. 'Gu' means 'moon' and 'renn' means 'origin'. The extensive name is 'Gurenn-riku', with 'riku' meaning 'land'. Thus, the extensive meaning is 'land of the origin of the moon' or 'land of the rising moon'. It was called this way because the moon is regarded as a very important object in Gurenn. Moon watching is common practice.


The mainland of Gurenn has the most important cities; Saikyo, Nankyo, Hokyo and Toshufu. The northernmost islands are called the Hoshima islands, with Hoshufu as their capital. Just south of them lies Chuuoshima, with Chuuoshufu as its capital. South of Gurenn lies Nanshima, with Nanshufu as its capital Nanshima used to be a place of exile from 700 to 1700.


Time period City
700 - 800 Hokyo
800 - 1600 Nankyo
1600 - present Saikyo


Gurenn has a big climate diversity. The northernmost islands have a cool temperate climate with long, cold winters with snow and short, cool summers. There is no rainfall. The mainland, however, has a typical inland climate with mild winters, warm summers and temperate falls and springs. Nanshima has a subtropical climate with warm winters and hot summers. Rainfall is heavy and typhoons are common. Most rainfall is in June, July, August and September. Hurricanes with much rain usually roam around Gurenn in September.

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