The Wakeland Islands

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WI.jpg A reigon is Nationstates

"World Factbook Entry: A Small continent surrounded with about 50 large islands, and hundreds of tiny islands, The Wakeland Islands have some of the greates climated differences in the world. It contains Four Nations and togehther, they make the WAKELAND ALLIANCE. Founded September 8th, 2007. [IMG]NewMapForWakelandIslands.jpg Map Of The Entire Reigon

Reigonal Geography

History and Colonization


Reigon Relations

Northern Sea

Northern Sea is the oldest of the four nations and the most hevily populated. It is the northernmost country and in its past, great cities were carved in the ice. Its government style is a constitutional monarcy, with the cheif and his family being the royal family. Its parliment is called the Group Of Elders.

Major Cities Map


Chocolate Disco Balls
