Leaders of Onalos

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Onalos Leaders Throughout Time

Leder Term(s)Start Term end Title
Ferdinando Islapuar 1803(indirectly ruled the 3 colonies from Calatia) 1875 "King Of Calatia and her Dominion"
Nuarino Montague 1806 1821(exiled to Calatia after revolutionary victory) "Viceroy of Alvoreem Damea and Onalos"
Mario Da Vinci (1)1821 1823 President of The Central Union
shtar (2)1823,1828 1828,1833 President
Ignacio De Medeci (2)1833,1838 1838, 1843 President
Socre Picard (1)1853 1858 President
aaa (1)1858 1863 president
Fidel castro (1)1863( amendment to the constitution made term 5 years long) 1867 President Of the Republic
tuu (2)1867 1875 President of the Republic
nnn 1875(Gained power in a coup) 1895 Supreme Defender Of Onalos
Voltair 1873 1921 1925
Simon Bolivar 1902 1925 1964
Mark Willis President June 27, 1996
Wong; Marcos; Royals; head of partisians in Margarita island; Alvoreemen President June 27, 1996; June 27 1997; May 31, 2001; August 5 2003; November 25,2005 General/President of the people, Supreme Governor, One of Many Great Leaders of Onalos Grand Emperor of the Nation; Commander; Nobel of the Northern Union; Governor-general; President March 17, 2006; March 17, 2006; November 24,2005; November 27, 2006 ;March 20,2006
Daniel Shafik Chavez Morales March 21, 2006 Chairman of the Consulate June 27, 2007
Daniel Shafik Chavez Morales June 27, 2007 Premier