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Culex, A beautiful island-nation in the south pacific. Founded by five men: Sven Stoyanivich and his brother Grigor, both Swedes, Giovanni Benedicto, an Italian, Alexander Bartholomew, Brit and First Emperor, Pierre Jacques, A Frenchman. Some other influencing Characters are: Jacob MacArthur, a Scot, and Ian Dolman, An irishman. The Nation was founded on November 8, 1731 by the First Five Explorers. When those explorers arrived, there were some natives who, wen hearing the bagpipes, began singing and bring gifts to the coasts thinking the explorers were gods. The explorers then converted those people through kindness. From then on slavery of the natives was outlawed as was all slavery. The explorers brought four small ships and one large clippership. Giovanni was not really an explorer he was an Architect, he designed the Capital City of Theira and The underground roads for the carts and carriages. Pierre was a wealthy French Philosopher who was in exile from all Catholic states because of his Ideas about Socialism and Religion. It was Agreed in 1735 that a capital city had to be made, so The Design and building of Theira began. Today it is a Socialist Paradise!

Photos: [1] Clippership Ventura

[2] Cars of Culex