Red vs Blue

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Red vs Blue
Forum: [1]
Population: 50 nations, 1 protectorate
Delegate: Gryphonisia
Founder: A Boao Qu
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

First, SgtMajUSMC came through a random teleporter to an uncharted region, where he made it's first country, The Grand Duchy of A Boao Qu. From that day forward, more and more Nations join, and they started their campaign for world Domination. Then, the people of Red Vs Blue voted The Technocracy of Gryphonisia as their UN delegate, for it was a powerful and wise Nation.

Notable History

The InsaneHunter Incident: The conflict arose when the Dictatorship of InsaneHunter invaded a neighboring country, prompting The Principality of Zionaren to establish a blockade and threaten military intervention. Armed conflict was averted however when Gryphonisian naval forces arrived in a show of force to stabilize the situation.

After intense debate, InsaneHunter agreed to withdraw from half of the neighboring country, cease aquisition of new territories and consent to an establishment of a DMZ. Zionaren subsequently recalled its navy and disaster was averted but refused to acknowledge the existance of the DMZ or InsaneHunter's claims to the territory recently they have even made informal statments about possible military action to force InsaneHunter's troops from the area.

Soon after the people of the Dictatorship of InsaneHunter overthrew their tyrannical government and created The People's Republic of InsaneHunter.

The Kratloctostan Civil War

The Kratloctostan Civil War began when terrorists incited an uprising of the common people, following which bombings and other attacks on government buildings took place. The Dictatorship of Insanehunter, taking offense at certain comments issued by the Kratloctostanian government, then invaded. The Plainwell Nation declared immediate neutrality (considering the issue an internal affair), however the House of Ellison immediately sent aid forces. At relatively the same time, the Dictatorship of Insanehunter was overthrown and became a People’s Republic. Quickly Gryphonisia also sent aid forces and requested for permission to dock at Kratloctostan ports. The nations of Exslaves, Nedinskia and Depptopia also joined the allied forces to repel the rebellion. Depptopia’s Emperor was enraged at the situation due to the fact that it was the largest neighbour to Kratloctostan and fears that the rebellion could spread into its own borders. The Zionarens and Trilans, also sharing the same continent, prepared their own defenses for joining the Allied Forces. The new government of Insanehunter ordered its own military forces to be sent in aid of the allies. As the House of Ellison’s forces took the brunt of the fighting, the Zionaren and Trilan military forces called on coordinative efforts from the Tarutaru Union to form blockades of rebel-controlled port cities. Quickly after the blockades began, the President of Kratloctostan announced on International Television the will of his people never to surrender without a fight. Though the fighting the rebel forces pushed from their hidden mountain bases to scatter the allied defenses. It seemed at first that the rebel forces held a clear upperhand in their use of guerilla warfare and hit-and-run tactics, and they seemingly knew when and where the Allies' troops would be. The only ray of light for Allied forces came when Ellisonian Imperial shock troops stormed a building in the capital, taking hold of a rebel-controlled biological weapon which threatened the city and the entire war effort.

The dense forests of Kratloctostan were a natural barrier for the air forces. The Tarutaru Union revealed their secret weapon- airships- in a surprisingly effective bombing campaign that surpassed even the best American-made bombers that Gryphonisia had used. Gryphonisia at first warned the Tarutaru Union not to enter then-Territory White-N which would become the nation of Postulio, created almost directly as a result of the civil war. As the bombing campaign continued, the Allied ground forces under Kratloctostan resistance and Ellison forces willingly withdrew back to the east coast hoping to stretch the rebel forces thin. Their plan worked, as reinforcements came from all involved nations handed the initiative back to the Alliance. The Tarutaru Union contributed 75,000 Cardian Guards, new automated fighting automatons to start the counterattack. Vicious fighting occurred inside the Capital City as the rebel forces held out as long as they could against the onslaught of the Allied bombardment and armored units. The Cardian Guards fearlessly rolled right into shell and gunfire, many of them obliterated in the first wave as the rebels fought back.

The push on the capital city was one of vicious fighting. As the Gryphonisian and Union Airforces continued to blast the mountain ranges, the rebels fled the capital for the northern hillside. Allied forces marched into the ruins of Emira. Unknown to the Allies at the time the rebels had actually massed another formidable armed force north to retake the city in yet another bitter urban battle. The air bombardment of the Rebel Base continued and slowly and surely all rebel forces in the mountains were routed. The rebels, desperate for a resolution, made their final and suicidal push at the capital city, succeeding to some degree in capturing it from the Allied forces for a second time, but soon the Allies had them completely sieged in. Kratloctostan’s civil war ended.