Political Parties of Hell Bovines

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The Hell Bovinian constitution protects freedom of expression and (non-profit) association, and so, a number of political parties have emerged over the years, professing a varied number of ideologies. Since independence, the country's politics have been dominated by the Ecotopian Party, though other parties also have a strong presence on the National Assembly and have a strong influence on government decisions.

The following chart depits the major Hell Bovinian political parties, their affiliation, leadership, and the percentage of votes they got on the last legislative elections, including the number of deputees they got to represent them on the National Assembly, in proportion to the votes they recieved.

Party Leader(s) Description Percentage of the vote Seats in the Assembly
Ecotopian Party of Hell Bovines Ivy Hackercow The Ecotopian party of Hell Bovines is by far the oldest and most important political party in the country. Founded by revolutionary hero Mooo Blackhooves at the beginning of the century, the party follows the ideology of 'Ecotopianism', which mixes anti-capitalist, enviromentalist and direct-democratic ideals.

On foreign policy, the party supports a policy based on non-alignment and anti-imperialism, supporting mainly relations with democratic countries, both anti-capitalist and "fair" trade capitalist ones. The ecotopian party has never lost an election since the foundation of the country, but polls are suggesting that it's support its slowly being eroded. Some experts and party members blame the more environmentically-radical wing of the party, which is accused of opposing economic development. The current duque and party candidate, Milky Spottedcrown, has been trying to lead the party to more pro-industrialist stances, but has found internal opposition. Nevertheless, it is currently the governing party, and it has the majority of deputees on the National Assembly.

59% 295
Front for Bovine Socialism Arturo Falconario A party founded recently by a former airforce commodore, the Front for Bovine Socialism is a democratic socialist and moderately enviromentalist party. This party is in favour of scrapping some enviromentalist laws, but leaving others, and promoting a development plan which they define as "Industrialism with eco-friendliness".

This party, also, is in favour of scrapping the democratically-elected duque position and replace it with that of a president, promoting more strict secularization of the government. On foreign policy, this party favours a more non-aligned policy than that of the Ecotopians, and, even though it supports the IFTA and the NHU, wants Hell Bovines to be a more neutral country. For this, some claim this party is in favour of an isolationist foreign policy. The party has gained a lot of popularity recently, specially in the capital, Moo Moo Farm. It is now the second most popular party in the country.

23% 115
True Socialism Party Whitey Socialcow An old party, the True Socialism Party was founded six years after Hell Bovines became independent, and its inital membership was composed of traditional communists disilusioned by the Ecotopian Party's excessive concern with enviromental policies and policy centered on national affairs.

The True Socialism Party follows the classical Marxist-Leninist ideology, and a more working-class, internationalist approach than the Ecotopian Party. Under the current platform, they are proposing total alignment of Hell Bovines with other leftist countries and organizations (like the CACE), as well as the scrapping of most enviromentalist laws and the implementation of an ambitious industrialization plan. The most radical wing of the party, in addition, seems to be in favour of establishing what they call "a dictatorship of the proletariat", by outlawing elections, but this view is not supported by most members. Despite this alleged radicalism, the party has an important number of followers, specially in industrial areas.

11% 55
Republican Left Party Manuel Lasaña A relatively-new party, the Republican Left Party was founded as a split of the larger Front for Bovine Socialism. As their name suggests, they are in favour of turning Hell Bovines into a democratic, left-leaning republic, and want to replace the position of the duque with that of a president to be elected for six-year terms.

In addition, they seem to be in favour of legalizing small-scale private property and small-scale capitalism, while retaining medium and large corporations and cooperatives in State hands. On foreign policy they are in favour of total neutralism, maintaining friendly relations with all democratic countries, capitalist or not. They would still maintain membership to the IFTA, as well as the NHU, though. It's popularity is limited, but they have managed to get represented in the National Assembly by a fair number of deputees.

5.6% 28
Party of Freedom and Justice Cosmo Vacaguerrera The Party of Freedom and Justice was founded during the 50's, and it advocates the legalization of private property and the creation of a market-based, capitalist economic system.

The party also wants to scrap some enviromentalist laws and implant a form of "centrist" capitalism in Hell Bovines. In foreign politics, the PFJ advocates the re-opening of relations with all capitalist states, as well as a distance from what they call "Third world populism". Though the party hasn't stated its position regarding the IFTA, it is believed that it would support withdrawing from it. Despite its low support, the party has managed to get a small number of deputees of its own on the National Assembly.

2.4% 12
Anarchist Alliance Huey Bluefur A left-wing, anarcho-sindicalist party, the Anarchist Alliance wants the total elimination of State power, and the division of the country in Worker's Cooperatives and Sindicates.

In addition, they want to scrap all laws and rights, claiming instead that in their future state, "popular justice would replace burocratic, burgueoise justice". In foreign politics, they favour increasing relations with anarchist and democratic socialist countries, while cutting off relations with all capitalist nations and actively promoting anarchist takeovers in these nations. It is considered a very radical party, even for Hell Bovine standards, and therefore their support is limited. Nevertheless, it has managed to get three deputees on the National Assembly.

0.6% 3
Other parties ---- A number of other parties exist in Hell Bovines, but due to the few quantity of votes they've received, they are not represented in the National Assembly. Among these parties, the most known ones are the Change for a New Nation Party (Libertatian, Neo-liberal), the Holy Cow Party (Religious, moderately leftist), the Collectivist Bovine Party (Radical Stanlinist, totalitarian) and the National Guardians (nationalist, socially conservative) 1.4% None