Vuhifellian Empire

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A Nation on the continent of Vuhifell, in the Pacific Ocean between Japan and North America.



The Vuhifellian States has a Democratic Republic, run by a Congress, A President, and Several Departments and Councils.

-The Presidency: The President is elected through a majority of the citizens, not electoral votes, however in the course of a 50/50 Campaign, Each of the States and Provinces is given a number of electoral votes.

-Greykan: 1 Electoral Vote -Tylian: 2 Electoral Votes -Erusea: 3 Electoral Votes -Valgan: 4 Electoral Votes -East Point: 5 Electoral Votes

The President has the job of appointing Council Leaders, Supreme Court Leaders, and Department Leaders. He has the power to approve or veto bills, negotiate with other world leaders, and has the power to vote in the U.N. Also has complete command of troops during wartime.


-Congress: The Vuhifellian Congress is made up of 1 Representative for every 50,000 in a state and 3 Senators from Every State. They are elected through popular vote, the top positions in each election are the new congressman.

-The Senate: Has the Power to change the budget, and supervise any international decisions made by the President.

-The Representative Congress: Has the Power to govern the nation in case the President and his successors are killed. Has the power to supervise any International decisions made by the President, also has the power to cut off sanction embargos on a nation.

-Shared Powers: With a 4/5 vote of both Houses, Congress may: Impeach the President, Override Vetos, Declare War, declare any province a police state, disband government agencies, and Declare Surrender.


-Supreme Court: Rules over all courts in The Vuhifellian States, presides over national crimes such as assasination and treason, rules over all law enforcment agencies, and can Declare that a decision made by either President or Congress Is Unconsitutional. It is made up of 15 Justices, 3 from each state, All are appointed to 20 year terms by the President.


Departments and Councils:

Department of Defense: Has control of all military units if the President is unable to do so, can designate any area of land military property. Controls the Defense Budget.

Department of Labor: Handles all relations between the government and labor unions, settles labor disputes, delegates retirement age.

Department of Research: Heads the HIARC(Human Intelligence Advancement Research Center), controls all research budgets over Vuhifell, Decides which research items are of utmost importance.

Department of Health: Moniters all Hospitals and Clinics in the country to make sure they are at Grade: B+ or Higher.

Department of Education: Moniters all schools, universities, and acadamies in the country to make sure they are at Grade: A- or higher.

Department of Energy: Moniters all Power Plants in the country to make sure they are always at Grade: A+.

Department of the Environment: Regulates Pollution control laws, moniters all industries in the country to make sure they release less than 1 ton of total pollution per year.

Department of Commerce: Regulates Trade routes with other nations, controls all government worker payrolls.

Council of War: Can Declare War with a 2/3 vote of the council, can negotiate a ceasefire and/or surrender with a unanamous vote

Council of Research: Moniters the HIARC to make sure all experiments and developements are on scheduale.

Council of Taxes: Regulates Income Tax according to government expenses

Council of Commerce: Regulates the prices for imports/exports.
