Human Intelligence Advancement Research Center

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The Human Intelligence Advancment Research Center is Headquatered in New Hivez, The Vuhifellian States. It heads all major research on the Vuhifellian Continent.


(In order of Foundation)

  • Genetics Department
  • Weapons & Arms Department
  • Energy Department
  • Medical Department
  • Technology Department
  • NanoTech Department
  • SubTech Department
  • SkyTech Department
  • Fuel Conservation Department
  • Computers Department
  • Space Department
  • Colonies Department
  • Biological Department
  • Nueralogical Department
  • Cybernetics Department
  • Hydroponics Department
  • Atomics Department
  • Fusion Department
  • Ion Department
  • Education Department
  • Kazach Special Research Department
  • Preservation Department

Department of Genetics

The Department of Genetics controls human and animal DNA research and research having to deal with any manipulation of tissue, cell, or nerve. Is responsible for the production of new vaccines in the fight against AIDS and has come out with cures for certain types of cancer. Also the only known producer of Strafez Organism.

Department Head: David Macker HQ: New Hivez

Department of Weapons & Arms

Located in HIARC Western offices in the Greykan capital of Farbanti, The Department of Weapons & Arms is responsible for the development of new armor and weapons for the Elite Black Guard, the Presidential Guard, and the Vuhifellian Army. Has so far come out with many designs including the M924 Assault Rifle, MOLIGNAR Armor, the M9A2 Vigilante Tank, and the Lifter and Korsa Dropships.

Department Head: Kristina Hartford HQ: New Hivez

Department of Energy (HIARC)

Is responsible for the research and development of new sources of energy and has so far made many progresses in Fusion and Ion power. Has replaced oil as the main power supply of Vuhifell and has also headed the production of Vuhifell's energy based weapons.

Department Head: Ethan Mckusker HQ: Hivez

Department of Medicine

Is responsible for the research and production of new vaccines, pills, and other drugs. Has so far come out with cures for certain cancers and viruses. Is also working side by side with the Department of NanoTech to produce a cure for AIDS.

Department Head: John Linstrom HQ: North Point

Department of Technology

HQ: Golden Skies City

Supervises the NanoTech Department, SubTech Department, SkyTech Department, and Computers Department. Comes out with general innovations such as virtual reality and better HDTV.

Department Head: John Krakuaer

NanoTech Department

Developes supersmall machines and technologies to further the fields of computers, space travel, and medicine. Is responsible for the research and Developement of NanoMachines that destroy AIDS viruses and SARS viruses. This Department works in coalition with the entire of the HIARC.

Department Head: Susan Millar HQ: Golden Skies City

SubTech Department

Developes technology that is to be used at sea, such as Advanced SONAR, and Advanced RADAR. Also provides research for stealth technologies.

Department Head: Catey "Cat" Millar HQ: Farbanti

SkyTech Department

Developes technology to be used by aircraft, such as the M199 RADAR and the Jovian engine which can easily go Mach 3.0 in 5 Minutes after takeoff.Also provides research for fuel conservation and stealth Technology.

Department Head: Jenine Glowery HQ: Golden Skies City

Fuel Conservation Department

Is reponsible for developing clean car, rocket, and plane engines and develope green technologies. Researches ways to lower oil and gas needs.

Department Head: Harold Bryans HQ: St. Ark

Computers Department

Is responsible for developing faster and more reliable computers, works with the NanoTech Department for researching better and faster microchips and internet servers.

Department Head: Matthew Exodus HQ: Golden Skies City

Space Department

Is reponsible for the research of faster space engines, more durable materials, better part designs, astronaut health, and more. Everything that Vuhifell luanches into space is either controlled by Foxtecha, the Administration for Outer Space Missions, or the HIARC Space Department.

Department Head: Allen Martinez HQ: Shellfish Falls

Colonies Department

Researches ways to colonize other planets and tests new teraforming technologies. Also heads research for protecting Earth's atmosphere and regenerating lost Ozone.

Department Head: Fiona Gloss HQ: Comberth

Biological Department