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Forum: none
Population: approximately 776 million
Delegate: Xerconia
Founder: Meredeth
Info: NSEconomy RC XML

Thorin is a small Region consisting of twelve nations.

The wonderful region of Thorin is a huge, ranging plain, divided in half by a majestic mountain range. One incredible feature concerning Thorin is its abnormally large forests. Forests stretching hundreds of miles in all directions scattered across the region of Thorin. As for the mountain range (which has yet to be named), great deposits of extremely heavy materials have been found, such as gold and silver. Although the mountains are constantly mined, they are remarkable in that the wildlife is still booming in these mountains. What is perhaps even more intriguing is that within icey mountain caves, remarkable archaeological finds were made by a triumvirate escapade entailing representatives from the nations of Thingamajiggers, Another Hyrule and, although reluctantly, Romborg. Exactly what it is is unknown currently, but it is definitely of great interest in all of the governments in Thorin. The most recent UN delegate is The Empire of Xerconia.

Twelve countries inhabit this crop-rich land. Its founder, The Republic of Merideth has ceased to exist. It used to be a great land with great people. It was ruled by Deku12345/Deku_Dude[1]

The Dominion of Thingamajiggers is a decent place with excellent civil rights, and a fairly competent government. Obviously the oldest place in modern Thorin, Thingamajiggers has a population of 426,000,000 people. Thingamajiggers started when an early nation, Thingamajigs, ceased to exist. The Rogue Nation of Thingamajigs dated back to the time of the original founding of Thorin. Thingamajiggers and the Empire of Xerconia were recently in a fierce war, that only ended recently. The national animal is the spotted eel, and it's currency is the Modarch. The ruler of Thingamajiggers, Kickster, also owns The Empire of Thingamabobbers, which is a corrupt dictatorship with no political freedoms. The national animal of Thingamabobbers is the vulture and it's currency is the axe which, apparently, is a lethal weapon of axery.

The Federation of Touria is a large country that was elected as the Region's United Nations delegate in the past. It has OK civil rights, and a strong economy. It is a strange place, and the citizens are usually considered "The OddBalls of Thorin". Many Tourians take slight offense at this nick-name, but they tend to get along with the rest of the place. Prime Minister MAX Allen is always trying to keep the country straight. Unfortunately, the Federation of Touria has ceased to exist, so no additional information can be added. (this information is kept for nostalgic purposes)

The current UN delegate of Thorin, The Empire of Xerconia, is a Corporate Police State with almost no civil rights and no political freedoms. Xerconia despises The Constitutional Monarchy of Romborg, who was the previous UN delegate. Xerconia disliked the way that Romborg handled the position of UN delegate. Xerconia has recently been heard complaining about how Romborg is doing better economically than Xerconia. The national animal is Trogdor and the currency is the Mythurl. The ruler of Xerconia, Crazy Hand, currently owns no other nations.

The Republic of Neonne is a peaceful nation that dislikes war. Neonne has a good economy, very good civil rights, and suberb political freedoms. Neonne has no enemies in Thorin, all the nations are considered friends to Neonne. Compared to the other nations in Thorin, Neonne would be considered an average nation. Someone, the ruler of Neonne, also rules a psychotic dictatorship, known as The Oppressed Peoples of Ennoe. Ennoe is the exact opposite of Neonne. The people here are considered Someone's "play things". The national animal of Neonne is the Yeti and the currency is the gold piece. The national animal of Ennoe is the Satan and the currecncy is the Shell.

The Constitutional Monarchy of Romborg is the former UN delegate of Thorin. Romberg is considered to be an evil nation, but seems to be doing good economically. In fact, Romberg has the highest GDP per captia in Thorin, much to the dismay of Xerconia. Romberg also has the highest tax rate of Thorin. The ruler of Romberg, Dr. Emu, has an extreme obsession with premier cola and ROMs. Dr. Emu doesn't own any other nation.

The Kingdom of Another Hyrule is a heroic nation, though oddly enough, gambling is the main idustry in Another Hyrule. Right now the government's main priority is religion and spirituality. Compared to the other nations in Thorin, Another Hyrule would be considered average. The ruler of Another Hyrule is That Other Link. The national animal is the cucco and the currency is the Rupee.

The Holy Empire of Chaindrive is a capitalist's paradise. The economy in Chaindrive is strong, the civil rights are excellent, but political freedoms are low. The tax rate in Chaindrive is at 6%, the lowest in Thorin. Strong bonds have been formed between Chaindrive and The Democratic Republic of TJW. The egotistic ruler of Chaindrive is Chaindrive. The national animal is the maggot and the currency is the dollar.

The Rogue Nation of Dark Aether II is a Metroid obsessed nation with a strong sense of democracy. There is a very strong metroid theme here. According to the ruler of Dark Aether II, Phazon Child, Dark Samus makes her living here. Dark Ather II is economically average nation in Thorin. The national animal here is the Shegoth and the currency is the red dollar.

The Confederacy of Dig-Dug is MAX Allen's current nation. MAX is more commonly known as Lt. Tarpit among his friends. Dig Dug is an opressed nation, with only some civil rights. Political freedoms have been outlawed all together. Dig Dug has the smallest GDP in Thorin. The national animal is the dug and the currency is the dig.

The Democratic Republic of TJW is a capitalist's paradise, just like the nation of Chaindrive. The Economy here is very strong, and with a high GDP of about 16,000 this nation really is a capitalist's paradise. Currecntly the government's top priority is social welfare. The nation is ruled by Kiteharker. The national animal is the wolf and the currency is the Dollar.

The Democratic Republic of Lunaith is an inoffensive centrist democracy. Lunaith's GDP is about average compared to the rest of Thorin, and it's economy is good. Somehow the nation manages to make money off it's biggest industry, woodchip exports. The ruler of Lunatith is Lumino. The national animal is the hawk and the currency is the Lunite.

Note: If anybody wants one of us to add anything, contact us via private message in the Gamecheetz forum[2]. While there, read the comic. You won't regret it.


--Prime Minister Allen


Last updated 3/31/05