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Holy Empire of Gendara


National motto: Igni Ferroque
(Latin: By Fire and Iron)
National anthem: Unknown
Official language English
Capital Alaris
Imperator Marius Blackburn
Archimandrite William d'Aquitaine
Population 6 million
Currency The Lune

The Holy Empire of Gendara is one of the Stormland nations, its eastern shores bordering the Sea of Storms.

Gendara is a mixture of imperium and ogliarchy, ruled by an Imperial family - which in turn is advised by a Council of Five known as the Pentarchy. It is made up of five Marches and the Cynosure (also known as the Interior). Each of the five Marches is ruled from a more-or-less central city, while the Cynosure is under the direct rule of the Imperator or Imperatrix, who dwells within the capital city of Alaris.

The Holy Empire of Gendara is not a member state of the United Nations, due to its unwillingness to conform to UN resolutions.


The earliest history of the region known as Gendara is lost to the mists of prehistory and oral tradition, but the first . nomadic tribes houses


Not yet available.

The Marches and the Cynosure

In general, the six subdivisions of Gendara are classified by their location relative to the capital city of Alaris. Specifically, each has a name which reflects its nature in some manner. Each March is ruled by a Margrave or Margravine.

March Ruling City Ruling House Location
Briarsis Tyndarus Sandarace Northwestern March
Almeddwyn Cyrene Andreana Northeastern March
Mor'crâith Stonewatch Dolorosa Southwestern March
Sarn'alaeth Moonbrook Aquitaine Eastern March
Ildáthach Seareach Bryant Far Southern March

Briarsis is the March in the northwest of Gendara, a region known for its mountainous terrain (and is, in fact, named after the mountain range that runs through it). Its capital city is Tyndarus (the "Grim Fortress"), an imposing castle carved out of the very stone of one of the mountains. Briarsis is riddled with mines, and most of the mineral resources of Gendara have their origin here. The current Margrave, Nicholas Sandarace, is considered to be a stern but just ruler.

Almeddwyn is the March in the northeast of Gendara, a region known for the skill of its artisans and craftsmen, but also for the hedonism of its ruling House (the name means "the Land of Wine and Honey"). The current Margravine, Myrine Andreana, rules from the city of Cyrene - arguably the most ostentatious city in all of Gendara (and possibly the entire Stormlands).

Mor'crâith is the March in the southwest of Gendara, a region known for its barren scrubland (the name literally means "The Dead Wastes"). Mor'crâith serves two important purposes - first, all members of the military are trained here (and, as military service is compulsory, this means that every Gendaran has spent at least some of their life in Mor'crâith), and this is where criminals are sent for "re-education". The black tower of Stonewatch rests deep within the wastes, surveying the land. The ruler of this bleak March is Margravine Catalina Dolorosa.

Sarn'alaeth is the March to the east and southeast of Gendara, a region known for the passions of its ruling House (the name means "Heart of Fire"). The House of Aquitaine rules from the city of Moonbrook, a massive patchwork of gleaming marble and glittering pools of running water. The greatest portion of Gendara's agricultural production comes from Sarn'alaeth, due to the abundance of fertile land to be found there. William d'Aquitaine currently serves as both Margrave of Sarn'alaeth and Archimandrite of the Pentarchy.

Ildáthach is the March in the extreme south of Gendara, a region known for its shipping... as well as for the number of illicit dealings which take place there (the name means "Sorrow's Path", which stems from the privateers who lair amongst the inlets and ply the Sea of Storms). The city of Seareach is more ship than city - nearly 80% of it is built upon wooden docks and platforms, floating upon the waters of the south's largest inlet. Endless piers jut outward from the main mass, providing safe harbor for coutless ships. Ildáthach survives both from the profits of trade with other nations, as well as from the piracy of the corsairs upon the other nations upon the Stormsea. A tacit agreement has been made with the corsairs - no real action will be taken to bring them to justice, as long as they avoid preying upon Gendaran ships. This acceptance of crime is reflected in the ruling House - upon meeting Margrave Aurora Bryant for the first time, one might believe she's more rogue than ruler.

The Cynosure is the center of Gendara, just as Alaris is the center of the Cynosure. It is a truism that all roads lead there, and that a single decision made there today will effect the cities of the Pentarchy tomorrow, and all of Gendara the day after. The Cynosure produces nothing, even as it feeds off the labors of all five Marches - though it has been said that the true purpose of Alaris is to act as heart, mind, and soul to the Empire... a task which it performs admirably.


Internal Politics

The political system of Gendara has been referred to in the past as an Imperial ogliarchy - in other words, the empire is ruled by one man, who is in turn advised by five Margraves (a group known as the Pentarchy). This provides some measure of "check-and-balance", as an Imperator who is opposed to the entire Pentarchy may find himself little more than a figurehead, while a strong Imperator can play one House against another to weaken the unity of his opposition.

While Gendaran culture is mildly sexist (women are not considered the physical equals of males, though it is assumed both sexes are generally equal intellectually), it is not considered impossible for a Margrave or even Imperator to be female (indeed, in most walks of life, merit trumps gender (though influence tends to trump both)). In such cases, the proper terms are Margravine or Imperatrix.

Foreign Relations

Not yet available.


Tanith = Moon


Clymene = War

= Love

= Wisdom

Mara = Death

= Chaos


Strong The Lune. 16% tax rate.


At age 16, all Gendaran citizens must report for compulsory military service. Males are almost universally funneled into combat training, though young men with special gifts or who have influential patrons may find themselves groomed for leadership or secular roles instead. Females with exceptional physical conditioning may also be forwarded into combat training, while the rest are placed in a support/medical role.

After one year of training and two years of mandatory service, each citizen may choose to either remain in the military, transfer to the police, or return to private life.

Those who choose to remain within the military undergo a series of tests, which, when combined with observations from their period of service, determine what their future role will be. The cream of the crop are sent to further training, during which time the focus is on developing an awareness of tactics, strategy, and command. Anyone who doesn't qualify for such training remains in the rank-and-file.

Those who choose to join the police are also tested. Those who show a keen intellect (as well as a fair share of loyalty) may be recruited by the

Those who return to public life may either seek to become an unskilled tradesman, or take admission tests for one of the colleges.