Gendaran Calendar

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All dates in Gendaran history are listed as either occurring in Œ or Æ - Œ being shorthand for Conventus Empirae (Creation of the Empire) and Æ being short-hand for Aetas Empirae (During the Era of the Empire).

The Aetas Empirae system of reckoning is considered to have formally begun at the very moment that Adrian Blackburn first declared the Kingdom of Gendara an Empire, and accepted the position of First Imperator of the Holy Empire of Gendara. That year became known as Year Zero (or The Fundamentum).

In later years, it became obvious that a system would be necessary to describe the events that occurred before the Fundamentum - at least without using one of the inferior systems of telling time invented before the establishment of the empire. It was then that the Conventus Empirae system was established. Using the Fundamentum as year zero, each year is given a number in Œ. Thus, five years before the Fundamentum would be 5Œ, whereas ten years before the Fundamentum would be 10Œ.

Because of the nature of Œ and Æ numbering, it is accurate to say that 0Æ or 0Œ represent the same year - in practice, however, the year is only ever listed as 0Æ, or described as the Fundamentum.

Lunar calendar.