Elder houses

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The Elder Houses

The Elder Houses are families within Arizona Nova who claim they are descended from knights and lords of the Old World (as a rough comparison, this would be like claiming to be descended from Lancelot or King Arthur). Of these families, four houses yet survive in Arizona Nova. The houses are not similar, for the most part, to the typical image of "nobility" in the sense that their claim to fame is not riches or power, but just reputed age.

House Riti

Currently the de-facto ruling house of Arizona Nova (as Anithraldur is of this house), House Riti is the lowest of the Elder Houses - it is not particularly grand, rich, or powerful. However, it has had many notable military and political leaders stemming from it, both in Old World traditions and historically in the New World. House Riti is also embraced Terran Culture, and particularly Christianity, the most of the other houses. The houses' namesake, Riti, was supposedly the second-in-command to Anikar, a powerful general in her army who became a vassal and lord during her empire.

House Tyrion

Reputed as the oldest house among the Elder Houses, House Tyrion has, and many speculate on purpose, always lurked in the shadows of greater houses and people. Tyrion himself was the brother of Anikar, a scholar and bard who wrote many songs and chronicles of Anikar's conquest, empire, and fall. Currently House Tyrion doesn't have any overt influences over government or societal affairs, but on Arizona Prime the House owns and manages the massive Tyrion Archive, the largest physical/digital repository of information within Arizona Nova. Tyrion has also been known to sponsor many cultural events - concerts, plays, and the like, and has also paid for the construction of theaters, opera, and concert halls on Arizona Prime and other territories.

House Marak

House Marak is considered one of the stranger and more mysterious houses within Arizona Nova. Supposedly the house has elven blood running in it, as Marak was half-elven in most legends concerning him, but those in the house show no obvious signs of exotic parentage - when they are seen, that is. Those of the house of Marak have historically been wanderers and rogues, desiring only the company of close family (if that), and never at ease in one place for very long. Many Maraki dwell on more desolate outworld planets such as the Chyrsham system or deserted locales on more crowded worlds. Legends on Marak typically have him as a spy and diplomat in Anikar's service during the later days of her reign, who got into and escaped dangerous situations routinely.

House Outyll

Outyll is, of the Elder Houses, the largest. Outyll, it's namesake, was a paladin in the service of Anikar, and the mightiest of her knights and soldiers. Outyllians today vary greatly in character and employment - some live luxuriant nobles' lives, while others choose a martial career, in time becoming part of the Paladins Corps., like their own namesake. Outyll, then and now, has always been the loyal follower to Riti, and the houses have always been on good terms with one another.