Socialist Republican Party of Rammsteinburg

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The Socialist Republican Party of Rammsteinburg
Founded: June, 1952 Chairman: Damian Engels Co-Chairman: Alexandar Dock General Assembly Seats: 76 Supreme Conuncil Seats: 3 (including Hauptoffzier Engels) Registered Members: 61,740,000

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The Socialist Republican Party of Rammsteinburg (SRPR) is one of Rammsteinburg's largest and most powerful political party. Current Hauptoffzier Damian Engels (also the party chairman) and Prime Minister Mila Schwarzes are members of this party.


The Socialist Republican Party believes in the ideas of socialism and a republic government. The party believes that all humans deserve the right to do as they please as long as it doesn't violate other's right to do, and that the main purpose of a government should be to protect and provide for the people. According to the SRPR, this includes protecting civil rights, political rights, workers rights, promoting ideas of equality, providing healthcare and welfare, supporting education, and protecting the environment.

Many of the ideas of the SRPR are layed out in the SRPR Constitution, which was last edited in 2000.

War/Use of Military

To the SRPR, war is an evil which must be avoided and should only be used when truly necessary. Members of the SRPR believe that attempts at a peaceful solution to problems should come first. Use of military force should be a last resort.

Welfare Programs

The SRPR is a strong supporter of government welfare programs. Current Chairman Damian Engels once said "the government for the people must be a government for all the people. This includes soceities less fortunate. If we cannot help them live a better life, we have failed."

Corporate Regulations

"Corporations cannot be trusted to protect workers rights, worker safety, and the environment on their own." This is an official statement of the SRPR. The SRPR believes that corporations require regulation.

Environmental Protection

The SRPR believes in "environment over economy." The SRPR believes that the government should be responsible for protecting the environment by monitoring environmental quality, creating environmental standards, requiring corporations to have environmental-friendly practices, punishing those who violate environmental laws, and fixing damage already done.

Foreign Affairs

The SRPR believes that Rammsteinburg should seek peaceful relations with the nations of the world. As well, most SRPR members are strong supporters of the United Nations.


"Education is vital." Poverty and violence, the SRPR believes, are results of lack of education. Quality education for all citizens is one of the SRPR's top priorities.


The motto of the SPRP is "Für die Leute" (for the people), which is also the offical national motto of Rammsteinburg. It was the SPRP that suggested this be made Rammsteinburg's motto. The motto was taken from a book by Johannes Gustov called Leute, Regierung, und Freiheit (People, Government and Freedom).


In 1952, the SRPR was founded by Brian Handfield, becoming the third political party to be formed since the creation of the republic in 1950.