ICEL calendar

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The ICEL Calender

The ICEL calender consists of twelve months, conveniantly translated here into the English (January-December) - but 'February' has thirty or thirty-one days, and 'October' twenty-nine. The years are arranged in the following manner.

The earliest years of the Iluvauromeni are not counted, as they were not Iluvauromeni then; therefore, the modern acceptance of the counting of years begins with the 'Flame Era' - with the suffix 'f.e.'.

At the point of 1902c.e. (2200 f.e), however, the modern mode of year counting alters again, and becomes, in English, 'bd' - Before Dawn. The BD era lasts for one hundred years, from 1902c.e. to 2002c.e.; the Flame Era lasts from -200c.e. until 1902c.e.

Thus, an event that took place in 1972 would be referenced as having taken place in 30bd, whereas an event that took place in 1872 would be described as having taken place in the year 2070f.e.

The modern era is described as the Dawn Era, which runs from 2002c.e. onwards. Thus, 2003c.e. by the Iluvauromeni calendar would be 1d.e. (beginning January 5th, not January 1st) - although that year is usually referred to as Dawn Year One.