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The Free Land of Kreisau is the largest and most powerful of the United Provinces of Stralsund Bay, a set of colonies that have recently broken off from the Mother Country, which had become steadily more socialistic and oppressive over recent years. By the middle of the 1980s, heavy taxes were imposed on incomes and beer had been abolished. With turmoil at home and a sea separating them, the Stralsund Bay Colonies were easily able to break away from the Mother Country with minimal loss. Following this, the Stralsund Bay Colonies separated into seven self-governing regions. Collectively, they are referred to as the United Provinces. Each of the seven provinces sends a number of delegates, proportional to population, to the Assembly of the United Provinces, which meets at least once a year, and sometimes more if a crisis justifies it.

The largest of the United Provinces is the Free Land of Kreisau, which controls just over a third of the total electors in the United Provinces. The capital city of Kreisau, Hyperboria, is the largest city and financial capital of the United Provinces, containing one and a half million people, plus another two and a half in its suburbian and exurbian regions. Moving inland from the Hyperboria, one encounters plains and a set of medium and small towns. Although Kreisau contains much unused land on its frontier, only one in forty Kreisauers are farmers.

The Free Land of Kreisau uses a unicameral Congressional system of government. The Senate contains 225 representatives elected for three year terms (there is also a three term limit), one from each of Kreisau's electoral districts, which are reproportioned every ten years to reflect changes in population. The government ordinarily lacks an executive branch, although the Senate may call up an executive in times of war. A judiciary branch also exists, nominated by the Senate and then elected directly by the people. The people also directly elect the delegate to annual Assembly of the United Provinces.

The Constitution of the Free Land of Kresiau, passed unanimously in the Senate, guarantees to the people many rights; among these are the freedom of speech, press, religion, and consumption freedom from excess taxation (after a long debate, it was decided that the tax ceiling ought to be one-eighth of the GDP, although the first Senate desires to keep it much lower), national debt, intrusions of privacy without a court order, among others. In addition, the powers of the government are clearly enumerated, to prevent the rampant overspending in the Mother Country.

Kreisau has a GDP per capita of approximately $40,000 (the average for the United Provinces is $38,600), though this is substantially higher in some areas than others. In the wealthy Hyperborian exurb of Novistrania, home to several tens of thousands of residents, for example, the average per capita income exceeds a quarter million dollars. Poverty is less of a problem, however, with the poverty rate consistently hovering between 6 and 8%, although it is in a downward trend. The repeal of most former taxes, especially those on consumption, moreover, have reduced the practical poverty line, thus the actual rate is below the 6 to 8% quoted. Of the sectors, approximately 3% of Kreisau's GDP is in agriculture, 21% in mining and industry (largely high-tech industry, but Kreisau also manufactures top-rate cars and small arms), and 76% in services, much of them arising from Kreisau's position as a major financial center of the world. Though Kreisau runs a small trade deficit, the Senate has been adamant about its no-protectionism policy, which has lowered overall price and inflation indices.

Some facts, compiled by the Second Kreisauer Census, 2000.

Population: Est. 10,000,000 Urban: 3,200,000 Suburban: 5,000,000 Small Town: 1,500,000 Rural: 300,000

Population Growth Rate: 2% Birth Rate: +1.4% Death Rate: -0.7% Immigration Rate: +1.5% Emigration Rate: -0.2%

GDP: $402,155,370,000 GDP Per Capita: $40,216 Individual Poverty Line: $7,500 Poverty Rate: 8% Average Income: $40,300 Average Income, Top 5%: $248,800 Average Income, Top 10%: $153,400 Average Income, Top 25%: $91,000 Average Income, Top 50%: $59,200 Average Income, Bottom 50%: $21,400 Inflation Rate: 0.5%

Exports: $37,510,000,000 Imports: $39,400,000,000 Trade Deficit: $1,890,000,000

Government Revenue: $31,450,000,000 Government Expenditures: $31,450,000,000 Military Expenditures: $18,532,000,000

Military Size: 48,400, plus 52,600 reserves.