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The Arora is the national animal of Bettia, and can be found frolicking away quite happily throughout the country. It is most at home in the Banastran forests and in the highlands to the north, where it enjoys playing hide and seek in amoungst the yellow heather. However, they are been spotted more frequently in towns and cities, even venturing into the centre of Gabalfa.

The arora has a rounded body standing up to two metres tall when fully grown, surrounded by an array of short, muscular legs which are almost circular in shape (less intelligent people call these it's wheels). Scientists speculate that the legs are in fact shortened tentacles, resulting in theories suggesting that the Aroras are in fact a breed of land-based jellyfish. Their most bizarre feature is their mouth, which is cross-shaped and hides an array of tiny, needle sharp teeth.

Aroras are generally docile in nature, although they can turn nasty at the drop of a hat. Attempts have been made to domesticate them, to varying but increasing degrees of success. This has resulted in the recent phenomenon of arora shows, where owners can proudly shows off their various breeds.


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A fine example of a Mottled Arora exhibiting it's remarkable camouflage

The arora comes in a number of varieties which are mainly distinguished by their colouring.

The most common breed is the Arora Aboombas (also known as Arora Vulgaris, or the Common Arora). This breed has a light, almost pure white colour, and can be found in the wild throughout the country, preferring rural areas where it isn't disturbed.

A breed sometimes seen in urban areas is the Silver Arora (Arora Argentis). These have a lustrous, almost shiny silver body which led to one spotted in Gabalfa Gardens being briefly mistaken for the Baptism of Fire Cup after it was misplaced by an employee at the Football Association of Bettia.

A rare breed sometimes spotted in the forests is the Mottled Arora (Arora Varigata), with a distinctive speckled brown colouration which is used for camouflage. This breed has become highly-prized in Arora-breeding circles, walking (or scuttling) away with Best in Show at the first ever BABES (Bettian Arora Breeders Exhibition and Show).