The Central Nexus

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The Central Nexus has been the ruling body of Polok since the end of the 7th war almost 400 years ago. Some would see the Nexus as a dictatorship, but the nexus works, and has been working for 400 years. Many believe that a democratic government in a nation of Polok's size would be too difficult to manage. The Nexus is a collection of 5000 men and women, who, while in the nexus, have their conciousness' linked. Typically a member spends 1 to 2 months in the nexus before taking a break to do other administritave tasks, while another takes their place. The nexus is made up of people from across Polok and from all walks of life, allowing the Nexus to make descisions based on the peoples' feelings and opinions. This allows the Nexus to be the true voice of the people.
The Nexus takes the place of the head of state in a democratic society; there are still ministers for finance, defence etc. as well as a parliament which is democratically elected.