Aerigian Industries

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Industries are the most important sector of the Aerigian economy, and innovation in high technologies is the engine that drives the economic engine of the country. The most dominant industries in Aerigia has been the computer hardware and software industries, often combined into IT - Information Technology for short. Complementing this is a similarily dominant electronics industry, producing consumer and industrial purpose electronics for domestic consumption and export.

The automobile manufacturing industry has been a traditional strength of the Aerigian economy. Recently, the growth of the industry has been slowing. Nontheless, names such as National Motor Works (NMW), Nexar and Naibatsu are still popular in many household's garages around the world.

Spurring from the strength of the automotive and machinery industry, the aerospace, defense and transport equipment have also made its mark in the Aerigian economy; as is the newer arrivals of the publishing and media industries, which is recently gaining ground at the expense of the automotive industry.

The much smaller agricultural and foodstuffs sector is highly subsidized and protected, with crop yields among the highest in the world. Mining and integrated oil and gas industries are similarily protected by government in order to support the industries, which is heavily dependent on the supply of raw materials.

In the future, robotics constitutes a key long-term economic strength. Aerigia currently possesses 490,000 "working robots."