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The Imperial Reich of Odinium

RPQO - "Reichstag Populus que Odinianus"

The Imperial Reich of Odinium is a medium-size country, located in the Region of Lvsitana Terra. In the far north of this region, situated in the mainland of the northern continent, with the Runic Ocean to the west, as well as Azores, and Frogoland to the east, Odinium is one of the most rapidly economically and socially growing countires of Lvsitana Terra. With more than one thousand years of history and germanic-odinian culture, Odinium is probably mostly well described as a Senatorial Empire, which is ruled by its powerfull Parliament, the Reichstag and its deputies, and the Chief of State, the Emperor Odin I, the Glorious, and the Chief of Government, Chanceller Jean-Marie Le Odin, and his whole National Fascist Government.

The Imperial Reich of Odinium is composed by several Federal Regions, which are 6 in total: Reichshauptstadt, Prussia, Galbadia, Baviera, Thuringia and Germania. The Reichshauptstadt is a special Federal Region criated for the Odinian Capital City and the surrounding region neighbouring the city itself, Odinsburg, alike the District of Columbia, if we consider the case of the United States of America, and its capital city, Washington D.C..

Odinium's major cities are: Odinsburg, Essen, Hiperborea, Dresden, Frankfurt, München, Danzig and Thule. Odinsburg is the largest city of Odinium, since it is the Imperial Capital City, therefore the Administrative Capital and also the Financial and Economic Capital City of Odinium. Cities also important, like Essen, wich concentrates the largest concentration of Industry and Services related to the Aeronautic and Information Industry and Steel Industry, Hiperborea, which has one of the largest ports of Odinium, next to the Port of Odinsburg, and also an important spot of Industry and Services activities, and also Frankfurt and München, which concentrate important operations in the High Finance and Banking activities, as well as the Automobile Industry, Heavy Industries and Mechanized Agriculture, and to conclude this chapter, Dresden and Danzig, which are important centers of Agricultural activities, like the biologichal agriculture, some automobile industry and Industries such as Beer Breweries and Factories, and the cereal agriculture, like wheat, for example.

Political Outlooks

The Imperial Reich of Odinium considers itself as a Federative Empire, with a political structure which is not easy to understand at first glance. Mainly employing simultaneously the concepts of centralized and powerfull political decision in the hands of the Government, which is cooperative with the various powerfull corporational enterprises of Odinium, protecting at the same time the social rights of the laboral classes, in a kind of Corporativism which is supervised by the State itself, and the concepts of Federal Autonomy and both inner and limited Democracy, which are representent by the power, moral and ethical reason of the rightuous Reichstag, the voice of the people of Odinium. This can be compared somehow to the political system that existed in the Roman Empire, since Octavius Caesar Augustus was claimed Emperor, and reformed the old Roman Republic into a Senatorial and Imperial Roman Empire, delegating some powers to the Senate, and some powers to the chief of State/Government, himself.

Odinium's Parliament is composed by a unique chamber, the Reichstag. [[1]]