Skeelzanian Navy

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The Skeelzanian Sternmarine

The Sternmarine of Skeelzania is the largest and most politically important branch of the Skeelzanian Armed Forces. Employing several million sentient bodies, its numbers are only dwarfed by those of the Army. Politically it is the most important and influential branch, as most foreign policy decisions (read: deployment of military force) are carried out through it. Its multitude of warships serve as a bargaining chip in any negotiations conducted by Skeelzania, and help keep the far-flung Empire together. With the demise of Arenumberg and Bandalok, the Skeelzanian Navy is considered, if not the largest, than at least one of the most powerful in the Gamma Quadrant.

The Three Navies

Technically, there are three Naval forces within Skeelzania. Along with the Imperial Navy proper, there are the space assets of the Fürstentum-Schützt, the Royal Guards/paramilitary enforcers of the Empire. There is also the Directorate of the Interior, Enforcement Division (DIED), which for a breif period was a more visible internal policing force than the FS. Since then, they have declined in position and have been almost entirely absorbed into the Navy Proper. These three branches all come together to make up the Sternmarine.


The Sternmarine has historically played the largest part in Skeelzanian expansion and warfare. It has been the deciding factor in all of Skeelzania's interstellar conflicts, as well as the country's one civil war. The branch's history is generally characterized by the ruler then in power.

The Navy under Baad Skeelzot