TAPRES Grand Charter and Constitution

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Developed as a means to establish a multi-national scientific cooperation, The Alliance of Pure Research and Engineering States (TAPRES) approved the Grand Charter and Constitution as their basis of government. Written by Central Director Elliot Schultz of Schultaria Prime, this document remains one of the seminal accomplishments in improving peaceful and non-militaristic scientific exploration in the world.


I. The Jurisdiction of TAPRES

-The forms shall be obeyed:

All member nations who officially sign and support this Grand Charter and Constitution are subject to all provisions herein. If a nation cannot follow the guidelines for reasons either internally and internationally, every other nation under TAPRES has the right to reduce any allegiances under this agreement with said nation until such time when they can adhere to the Grand Charter and Constitution entire.

All member nations under jurisdiction shall respect the sovereignty of all intellectual and technical properties generated by member nations or joint ventures under the auspices of TAPRES. Through TAPRES, unless prior arrangements are made, all intellectual and technical properties of both this alliance and each allied nation shall be declared legally copyrighted through the documentation of this agreement. TAPRES shall not violate international law by forcibly sequestering technology and scientific data from either member or non-member nations unless during an open declaration of war (where any of our alliance members are threatened with the possibility physical force).

This organization shall not use excessive or arbitrary force in imposing restrictions, sanctions, or other forms or embargo on non-member nations if they do not comply with international law. All international actions under the general authority of TAPRES will only be declared legal by the vote of a simple majority of all member nations.

This alliance shall, in the near future, form a small central governing body composed of each member nation whose sole component of existence is to monitor and regulate all internal TAPRES affairs as well as officially represent this alliance in international affairs. The form, composition, and limitations of this governing body shall be determined once the Grand Charter and Convention has been ratified.

II. The Directives of TAPRES

-The forms shall be obeyed:

A. On the situation of scientific research and development:

Each member nation is entirely permitted to conduct private research and development. TAPRES shall acknowledge this as a founding principle of sovereignty of all member nations and shall not be infringed.

All technology developed in joint benefit of TAPRES shall be the sovereign, legally protected, property of all member nations within this signed agreement. Unless a research project is declared as a private joint venture prior to announcement of completion, all technologies developed in concert with two or more nations under TAPRES shall be declared as property of the alliance proper.

TAPRES shall not publicly condone, nor shall it fund, any joint or singular research efforts whose sole aims are the production of pure offensive military weaponry. However, under paragraph I of this section, this research is still permissible under respect for international sovereignty.

Any member nation who endeavors to work on a joint project with one or more TAPRES nations for the benefit of the alliance entire can, and shall, receive funding as per the final decision of the governing body of TAPRES.

B. On the situation of technological and industrial development:

All subsection paragraphs mentioned in section A are also to be applied, wherever fitting and proper, to every member nation’s industry and industrial efforts.

+As a retranslation of Section A, Paragraph III: TAPRES will not condone or fund the sale of industrial components whose sole purpose is to produce weaponry for offensive military purposes. However, in respect and deference to international sovereignty, the sales of these devices are under the direct authority of each member nation.

It shall be the general rule of TAPRES: if any member nation chooses to aid another nation’s industries for the purposes of improving the standards and qualities of living, or to modernize said nation, TAPRES will officially condone such actions. The recipient of such aid can be any nation regardless of their status or affiliations with TAPRES, and all nations seeking funding for such efforts (beyond the scope of military-industrial complexes) shall receive a subsidy as per the final decision of the governing body of TAPRES.

To better understand the technological and industrial requirements of each member nation, TAPRES shall require a small statement from all members and potential applicants. This statement should outline and declare the current state of repair and technological levels of each nation’s industries. All nations, regardless of their technological development, shall be welcomed and accepted if they so choose to adhere to the provisions stated within the Grand Charter and Constitution.

C. On the situation of TAPRES and the international community:

All member nations shall, and will be permitted to, pursue their own foreign policy relatively unrestricted from the governing principles of TAPRES. However, in certain cases where a nation’s international policy might cause irreparable harm to said agreement, TAPRES reserves the right as mediator and arbitrator in disputes where a member nation is involved.

TAPRES, in terms of international policy affecting the whole alliance, shall have the same rights as both a singular nation and as a confederation of members when pursuing policy in the best interests of the alliance. All members of TAPRES have allegiance to the foreign policies of TAPRES, should mediation and arbitration fail, to support this agreement through more aggressive methods.

+If TAPRES should encounter opposition by non-member nations, the general policy of this agreement shall be gradualist in nature as to limit direct destructive military confrontation. However, in extreme cases where an aggressor directly attacks a member nation either without provocation or through the unrestrained usage of: chemical, bio-toxic, or nuclear weapons, TAPRES shall serve as a mutually defensive military alliance until such aggression has abated.

D. On the situation of TAPRES and its component member nations:

All member nations under TAPRES shall not be restricted in voicing their opinion with the current policies and actions of the alliance under the Grand Charter and Constitution. To this effect, neither arbitrary laws nor legislation abridging the concepts of free speech will be permissible within this alliance.

Every nation, regardless of technical or scientific advancement, shall be permitted the option of applying for entry to TAPRES by a vote of the current membership. A margin of a simple majority plus the signature to this agreement shall be sufficient to ally with TAPRES.

TAPRES shall respect and honor each member’s individual growth and development, but shall not condone any overt stance of military power within the international community. Any member nation who seeks to utilize their armed forces in an aggressive manner against either another member nation or within the general international community without provocation shall be subject to immediate sanction and military reprisal. In such instances TAPRES does reserve the right to eject nations who blatantly disobey the aforementioned wishes of the alliance.

III. The Nature of Physical and Technological Rights, Exchange, and Reparations within TAPRES

-The forms shall be obeyed:

A. On the Concept of the Protection of Intellectual Rights:

All precedents from Directive I, Paragraph 2 and Directive II, Article A, Paragraph 1 shall stand as the primary guiding principles of TAPRES’ limitations of infringing on the intellectual rights of member nations.

TAPRES shall recognize the right of each nation to conduct and withhold any research deemed expedient for their national security and internal development. The nation conducting said research shall by no means be forced to disclose the nature of said technologies if the disclosure threatens the sovereignty of said nation. This protection of technologies for national security applies to both civilian and military classes.

All protected and copyrighted technologies shall be the sole property of the nation(s) who researched said items. By legal precedent, the possessors of said research shall hold complete and entire legal rights over the usage and distribution of such discoveries unless otherwise declared publicly available by the owners. However, if the following articles have been violated, TAPRES reserves the right to acquire and seize said technology under the auspices of the alliance entire.

+ The copyrighted property in question must:

  1. Not be a direct derivation or subtle improvement of any joint TAPRES project
  2. Not receive any collective funding from TAPRES.
  3. Be declared as a private project to the proper governing authorities of TAPRES, either as a singular or private joint venture.

B. On the Concept of TAPRES Support in Joint Scientific Endeavors:

For purposes of easier classification, TAPRES shall use the following class system to define individual technologies and research projects:

  1. Class I Research and Technologies: Items developed to improve the commercial capacity of a nation, not excluding research on non-physical concepts (i.e. International Policy Development).
  2. Class II Research and Technologies: Items developed to improve the scientific capacity of a nation, not excluding research on non-physical concepts (i.e. Standardized Scientific Doctrine Improvement).
  3. Class III Research and Technologies: Items developed to improve the defensive military capacity of a nation, not excluding research on non-physical concepts (i.e. Civilian Evacuation Logistical Planning).
  4. Class IV Research and Technologies: Items developed to improve the offensive military capacity of a nation, not excluding research on non-physical concepts (i.e. Mutually Assured Destruction Logistical Planning).

It shall be the goal of this alliance to bring together all nations of diverse backgrounds and pursue peaceful civilian technologies. To this effect, if a joint project is applied for a Class I, Class II, or an acceptable Class III Technological device, the governing body of TAPRES shall assess the worth of said project to both the alliance and its constituent parts and place appropriate funding and facilities according to its final jurisdiction.

TAPRES, in accordance with the pursuance of peaceful endeavors over overtly militaristic national goals, shall not condone or fund any research of Class IV and certain instances of Class III Technologies. If a joint research project produces such a technology as its intended end, TAPRES reserves the right for reparations on behalf of all member nations.

In accordance to the free exchange of all public technologies between member states, it shall be declared that all research and practical technologies developed under joint TAPRES auspices shall become the property of every single member nation and the alliance entire. However, no one nation can gain profit from said research, but said research may be distributed to the global community in the name of TAPRES on a charitable basis by any constituent nation.

+ Under the Grand Charter and Constitution, the following prerequisites must be fulfilled in order to satisfy joint project status:

  1. A joint project must contain at least two nations who bear their signatures to this charter in order to qualify for funding. Special circumstances may abridge this rule if the governing body of TAPRES feels it necessary to conduct said research by other standards.
  2. A joint product may not intentionally infringe on publicly declared private research projects for purposes of financial gain. However, if the concept of said research is to insure the welfare of all TAPRES member nations without violating either the market share or sovereignty of intellectual rights of the privately researching nation, then said technology shall be declared as a joint project.
  3. A joint project must become the sole property of TAPRES once official research efforts have concluded; all declared technologies and their rights are then under the full authority of the TAPRES governing body. Any research efforts outside of the declared goals of said joint project are property of the researching nations and will be treated as private intellectual property.

C. On the Concept of Reparations for Violating the Current Regulations of Joint Projects.

Being that all cases are unique, this Article shall serve as a base guideline for the governing body of TAPRES. All decisions regarding the violation of any rule or regulation of the Grand Charter and Constitution can either be commuted or extended as the alliance entire may see fit.

+ Guidelines for the violation of research protocol.
  1. If a member nation violates national sovereignty by absconding with research data of another member nation through the means of physical military force or espionage, it shall be the policy of TAPRES to control the violating nation by any means and force necessary. Reparations shall be made pending the final decision of the governing body of TAPRES, but the maximum amount of reparations for grievous offenses shall be no more than 300% of the estimated costs of research, seizure of all pertinent research equipment, and expulsion from TAPRES plus a boycott of all international trading affairs and a state of heightened military readiness against the offending nation for 20 years.
  2. If a member nation violates the trust and basic tenants of TAPRES joint research protocol by developing either unauthorized Class III or Class IV technologies as a primary objective, it shall be the policy of TAPRES to impose censure on the violating nation through limitation of its political influence within the alliance. Reparations shall be made pending the final decision of the governing body of TAPRES, but the maximum amount of reparations for grievous offenses shall be no more than complete and total seizure of all remaining funding, pure research data, and any prototypes of said joint project, complete dismissal of their ability to operate as a joint member of any future joint research venture for 15 years, and removal of their political franchise rights within TAPRES for 10 years.
  3. If a member nation violates TAPRES sovereignty by placing the results of joint projects up for international sale without the consent of the governing body of TAPRES, it shall be the policy of TAPRES to impose economic restrictions the violating nation. Reparations shall be made pending the final decision of the governing body of TAPRES, but the maximum amount of reparations for grievous offenses shall be 200% repayment of all sales off said technology to TAPRES, complete dismissal of their ability to operate as a joint member of any future joint research venture for 10 years, and fine amounting to .5% of the nation’s total budget to be determined by the governing body of TAPRES.
+ Guidelines for the violation of TAPRES internal protocol
  1. If a member nation utilizes any alliance facility for means of personal profit or gain, or is caught diverting funds not specifically allocated to its direct national interests, it shall be the policy of TAPRES to extract said funds from the violating nation to balance the alliance’s budget. Reparations shall be made pending the final decision of the governing body of TAPRES, but the maximum amount of reparations for grievous offenses shall be the repayment of 150% of the total funds embezzled, and an economic boycott with the violating nation for 5 years.
  2. If a member nation attacks another sovereign nation, regardless of TAPRES affiliation, in an offensive manner for the purposes of destruction, annexation, or other non self defensive measures, it shall be the policy of TAPRES to remove this violating nation from the alliance permanently by any amount of force. However, if this offensive war is based with the support of an active international coalition for the purposes of preventative action against another state whose previous actions have been aggressive, than no judgment shall be passed. The penalty of committing an offensive war for the above purposes shall be no less than expulsion from the alliance in its entirety, a complete boycott of all economic aid with said nation for no less than 40 years, and the mobilization of allied military forces to suppress and “acquire” said nation if violence persists.
    1. If said nation, in addition to committing an aggressive war against another nation, utilizes biotoxic or nuclear weapons for the expressed purpose of destroying civilian lives and property with little regard for international law, TAPRES, through a vote by the governing body, will have the authority to place a complete moratorium on all humanitarian aid with the aggressor nation. This ban, restricting the aggressive nation from all TAPRES humanitarian aid funding, shall have no restrictions on duration and must be lifted through the consent of the governing body. This ban, unless amended through legal discourse, shall only place a moratorium on TAPRES humanitarian funding and not individual humanitarian aid funding of member nations.

IV. On the Concept and Structure of Government

-The forms shall be obeyed:

  1. (VOID) The initial governing body of TAPRES shall consist of the four initial active members of the alliance acting as a democratic governing council. Once conditions have become satisfactory to expand the franchise, this current governing body shall become null and void in further updates. The four enfranchised founding nations are as follows:
  2. (VOID) The franchise of all member nations involved in TAPRES shall be granted once total membership has reached eight or more member nations. This shall be null and voided once that number of nations has been reached.
  3. The governing body of TAPRES shall engage in an expedient effort to make all necessary and proper alterations to the Grand Charter and Constitution.