Abu-Dhabi Khristatata

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No one is really sure where the Khristians came from, not even the Khristians themselves. But they could be compared to the Huns, or the Mongols, or the Vandals. Except perhaps more civilized.

First evidence of Khristian settlement in Europe appears in the Balkans and in the Causacus. Most archeologists agree that the Khristians sailed from the Causacus and settled Thrace and the area around the Black Sea.

Several Greek texts have been found reffering to a people that "indulged in all kinds of violence" but it also continues to talk about the welcoming attitude of these people. Most experts agree that this is a reference to the Khristians.

As the Greeks attempted to colonize the Black Sea, they met stiff resistence from the Khristian people. After several years of fighting they eventually reached a peace agreement which allowed limited Greek settlement of the area and in exchange the Khristians were allowed to roam Greece as they liked.

The Khristians learned much from the Greeks, but soon the Persian Empire threatend both Greeks and the Khristians. Following the Ionian revolt, Greek and Khristian forces fought the Persians in several battle around the Hellespont and eventually the Greeks recieved Ionia and the Khristians recieved Northern Asia Minor.

But the Greeks wanted more land which eventually lead to the conquering of the Khristian territories, and eventually the conquests of Alexander the Great which spread Greek culture across the known world.

Eventually Alexander's Empire fell into decay and was conquered by the Romans. And eventually even the Romans faded away. But while the Khristians were ruled by the Greeks and Romans, they prosepered and eventually won their independance when Emperor Constantine I granted them their freedom.

But perhaps this was a great folly for Constintine, for a group of Khristian usurpers assasinated him and became rulers of the Eastern world. But their rule was short lived as Islamic legions poured out of Arabia and into Asia Minor.

The Khristians and Muslims fought for years as Western Europe fell into the Dark Ages. Khristian cultured prospered even as the Muslim armies continued to assault Khristian citadels and fortresses in Palestine, Syria, and Mesopotamia.

But soon the Khristians also had to worry about new enemies. Huns, Bulgars, Slavs, and Magyars all poured down upon the Khristians, and eventually the Khristians were forced to abandon most of their territory between the Danube and Greece to the barbarian tribes.

Soon the Khristian monarchs became weak and lost control of Mesopotamia and Palestine. But this soon caused an outcry for a crusade in Carloginian Europe, and armies of hopeful Europeans headed for the Holy Land.

A strong Khristian monarch arose to the throne in 1024, he was crowned Matthew III and brought swift reforms to all of the Khristian Empire. He reformed the military, elminated government corruption, and created a more efficent communication system. Soon his armies were pushing back the forces of the Muslims and those of the barbarians.

The now dormant urge to "indulge in all kinds of violence" was reawakened in the Khristian people, and an age of militarism and conquest began. Matthew III reconquered Mesopotamia and even conquered parts of Persia and Arabia. He also conquered Egypt and his legions conquered past the Dnper River in the Ukraine.

Prosperity lasted in the Khristian Empire until about 1684 when the Khristian empire began to collapse. Envious Europeans, ambitious barbarians, and vengeful Muslims all contributed to the parition of the Khristian Empire.

By the late 1700's the nation was reduced to parts of Asia Minor and the Balkans. The Khristians were relatively left alone until the outbreak of World War One. As Russian, German, Austrian, Serbian, British, Italian, and French armies fought all across Europe, the Khristians remained neutral.

By 1917 a the German heir had married the Austrian heir and the two nations were united. They're conquests stretched from France to Russia, from Italy to Scandinavia. But although they were winning the war on the contineant, they had lost their overseas colony and their navy was in ruins. Soon radical factions overthrew the monarchy and began new conquests. The Khristian nation was over-run.

But eventually the war was won as other nations around the world declared war on the new German Empire and Khristians were once again independant. The Khristian monarchy was restored and the Khristians remained apathetic to world events until 2014.