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The Franspánglisch Language

The offical language spoken by all citizens of National Commonwealth (Egalitarians) is "Franspánglisch."


As globilzation and world trade spread across National Commonwealth, the three principal languages, English, French, and Spanish morphed into a peculiar language that exhibits and combines elements of each. Having many dialects, the most proper form utilized in formal government documents, literature, and in the legislative body (Verumian Franspánglisch) looks more like French than anything else.


Pronounciation follows the rules of each respective language of orgin of a particular word. Due to the fact that Franspánglisch is composed of other languages, it follows the general rules for each as such (there are many exceptions):

  • Alphabet - Latin
  • Number System - English
  • Common words - English
  • Demonstratives - English
  • Possesives - English
  • Pronouns - French
  • Commands - French
  • Courtesy and Conjunctions - Spanish
  • All other words - English

  • Formal Example: Por favor, utilisez le language d'our nation por all final transactions! That's right, c'est an combination d'all three de these languages. Est-ce que vous would like to do business con nous? (Please use our nation's language for all final transactions. That's right, it's a combination of all three of these languages. Would you like to do business with us?)

  • Many Egalitarians prefer to use a more un-standardized and anglisized version of the language.

  • Informal Example: I plan d'mover a la nouvelle comunidad, muy riche, dans my city. Il est one de le plus amable areas that I have seen. (I plan to move to the new, very rich community in my city. It is one of the nicest areas I've seen.)