Declaration of Indispensable Rights

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History of

Old History of Cerebrista
Declaration of Indispensable Rights
Modern History of Cerebrista

The Foundation of Cerebrista

After Cerberus’s untimely death, it was put to his most loyal follower, Ty, to create the original foundation of the government. After only a week of writing, Ty came up with the Declaration of Indispensable Rights which follows

After many long, valiant, struggles, the people of Cerebrista have finally broken away from the tyranny of Ortheronion rule that has pinned us down for centuries. The ideals that separate these two countries are that Ortheros never in its centuries worth of history put the people before politics, which is the most important thing needed in a utopian society. As such it will be a bill protecting the people, not a bill proclaiming the politics, that this nation will be built on. It is hard to summarize the entire library of essential rights that we all have, however this document will try to summarize the basic principles and privileges that make up this great nation.

Declaration of Indispensable Rights

  • 1. No person shall ever be forced to die, neither by his government nor by his fellow man. This signifies that the government at hand will not enforce lethal punishments on any of its citizens, or on any of the citizens of the world. This al o signifies that individual people who deny others of this primal right will not be able to escape from charges of the law.

  • 2. All of mankind has the divine freedom of thought, the absolute freedom to think, to say anything no matter what it is. The smothering of this right is the first sign of a tyrannical government, and as such, censorship cannot be made use of in this great nation. The rights to free thought also apply to art. Any painting, book, newspaper or any other form of media.

  • 3. Due to the often conflicting creeds in any society, it is proclaimed that no official religion will be taken by the state, and that no religion, or lack thereof, shall be oppressed, or looked down upon by the law. Nor any religion, or lack thereof, shall be given any special benefit by the law.

  • 4. Citizens of Cerebrista have the right to peaceful rebellion, whether to form and protest the government, or to lobby the government in form of petition. The government shall not break up or attack a peaceful congregation or immediately dismiss a petition.

  • 5. Workers of all kinds, in fact, people of all kinds, have the right to a union. No government body or corporation shall deny them this right

  • 6. The government shall not search or confiscate any private objects without a warrant that is signed by a judge, and that warrant is only to be signed if there is probable cause to a crime. This also ensures the right to privacy, the right to do things in your own home that between consenting adults, and as long as there is nothing which would violate the first article.

  • 7. The right to democracy. Laws and policies that are not stated by the central government will be delegated between the provinces. Also, the right to vote for the politicians to represent, and the right to veto any bill instated by the government by a seventy-five percent consensus among the population.

  • 8. One of the main policies for law is that it is nobler for the law process if a guilty man goes free, rather than an innocent man receive punishment. As such, the accused have rights to council, to witnesses, to a jury, to a public, speedy trial and freedom from self-incrimination. The judicial system may only charge the same person for the same crime once, less a travesty of justice takes place. The government cannot take away any rights from the accused that a free person has,

  • 9. All people have a freedom from torture, whether psychological or physical is permitted by any government or judicial body.

  • 10. The freedom to good health. For the government to allow people to die needlessly, through the withholding of healthcare would violate the first, and most important, article of this declaration.

  • 11. And finally, all of the above rights apply to all of humankind. Whether black, white, male, female, people of any personal opinions social status or persuasions, they are all regarded as the same under the law.


The bill was signed by all four of the provincial leaders; however Ty wanted to make sure that the bill would be supported by the people who were the ones he was protecting in the first place. Given to a democratic election, 87% of the voters decided to put the bill into effect. 9% of the voters were afraid that there were too few rights, 4% thought there were two many. For three months the country was mainly ruled by local leaders, while the system of government was being debated and written. Finally the Articles of Institution were completed, for more information on their effects please go to Government and politics of Cerebrista.