Parti Socialiste de Oliverry

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Party's first life

This party started in 1940. Some peasans from the province of Pillarie were not happy about the government and decided to start a new political party based on communism. But, it was a democratic communism. So, the instigator of the project, Youri Laframboise, organized a meeting for people sharing his idea. In January 1941, the party officially took the name of Communist-Democratic Party. The name brought many people in this party. In 1944, the party did well: 12 seats out of 88 and Laframboise got 15% of the votes. In 1948, at the second elections of this party's history, they win by a significant margin the presidential elections. But it wasn't the case in the parliament: 41 seats out of 88. So, for the first time in political history, every other party coalised to stop the Communist-Democratic Party. So, no economic reforms, no changes of anything. When came the 1952 elections, they got beaten: 1 seat and 10% of the votes in the presidential elections. That was enough, Youri Laframboise got into a depression and finished his life in an asylum for insane people. But, it was too late and the party bankruptced just before the government check arrived. This, finished the era of the democratic-communist party

Party's second life

Pre-Empire era

In 1996, Alexei Limbruenkov, an influential author in Oliverry, published a book: "How to communize a country without breaking democracy". There weren't any specimens left after 10 days. So, when he saw that, he remembered something about the old Democratic-Communist party. So, he called friends he knew that would help him and, this leaded to the creation of the Communist Party of Oliverry. Their first try at an election was for the May 1999 partial one, where they didn't get any seat. But, in 2000, date of the general elections, everything went well: 13% of the votes in the presidential election and 31 seats out of 136. And, at the December 2003 partial, they won the 2 seats contested. This helped when arrived June 2004, when were hold the First Republic's last elections. The communist party did do well in this election, having 25 seats and winning 17% of the votes in the presidential election. But the empire arrived. This only made the communist party stronger.

After-empire era=

The party suffered of the empire, winning only 15 seats out of 136. Limbruenkov finished 3rd, but got 12% of the votes. Enough was enough again, but, Limbruenkov came back with a new, more agressive politic. It proved to work in 2009 as they won 3 seats when 6 were contested. In 2011, the general elections were hold and, the Communist party nearly won them: Limbruenkov got 34% of the votes in the presidential election's second round. But, the same situation as in the 1940's happened again: In the Oliverrian parliament, 52 seats out of 176 and 14 seats out of 80 in the Limbrogidlian parliament.

Election results

Year Type of the election Number of seats won Number of seats contested Percentage of the seats Runner for presidency Chief of the party
1944 General 12 88 13,6% Youri Laframboise Youri Laframboise
1948 General 41 88 46,6% Youri Laframboise Youri Laframboise
1952 General 1 88 1,1% Youri Laframboise Youri Laframboise
May 1999 Partial 0 4 0% Nobody Nobody
June 2000 General 31 136 22,79% Alexei Limbruenkov Manny Gerard
December 2003 Partial 2 2 100% Nobody Nobody
June 2004 General 25 136 18,38% Alexei Limbruenkov Manny Gerard
April 2007 General 15 136 11,03% Alexei Limbruenkov Francois Duval
August 2009 Partial 3 6 50% Nobody Nobody
May 2011 General(Oliverry) 52 176 29,54% Nobody Francois Duval
May 2011 General(Limbrogidlia) 14 80 17,5% Nobody John Kilut
May 2011 General(Total) 66 256 25,78% Alexei Limbruenkov Nobody