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Spootopolion is more a dialect than a language, it is very similar to that of English but replaces several words such as "excuse me!" A formal metheod for asking aomeone to get out of the way is replaced by "Rarr", pending on the severity this can meen varying degrees of move "RARR!!" Tends to be a hostile term meaning "Get the (insert profanity here) out of my way!!"


in The Floydian State they speak Pig Spootopolion words like Rarr now become Rraray, this form of Spootopolion is not enforced but several members choose to speak it over the far simpler Spootopolion.

In North Spooty they speak a far more dialect version of the language, inventing words like "'Urt" possibly meaning "there" or "at"

The Spoot Halflings speak in warballed voice meaning that words will occasionally come out as "whoo" which has become a common word meaning "interest" or other such variations on the word.