Flag of The Imperial Race

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The Flag of The Imperial Race has changed significantly throuhgt the history of The Imperial Race.

Million World Empire Flag

Flag of The Million World Empire of The Imperial Race. Lasted from the decleration of the nation till the nation's defeat in the 4 day war.

The First flag is the flag of "Million World Empire of The Imperial Race". This flag was the first symbol of nationalism, with the imperial lion in the center. The flag flew untill the Imperialist Rebellion, which happened as a direct result of the nation's defeat in the 4 Day War.

Imperialist Empire

Flag of The Imperialist Empire of The Imperial Race.

After the imperialsit revolution the nation underwent heavy reforms. With the birth of Imperialism came a new symbolism, and a new flag. The flag featured the 4 pointed arrow with the orange circle (the symbol of imperialism) with a white star above it on a black backround. imperialist rebels (followers of Leon Sanchez) and parties still fly the flag of the Imperialist Party,

Curent Flag

Flag of The Third Riech of The Imperial Race.

General George Pita (Now The Furhur George Pita) recently usherd in new reforms, one of which being a change of the flag. The nation changed its structure from an Empire, to a Reich. The nation is the "Third" riech, stateing the other two former Imperial nations as the first two. "This Riech Shall last 1000 years" -Furhur Pita