Great Contemplation

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The Great Contemplation was a time when The Great Prophet Zarquon took a lengthy subatical, leaving a note on his office door that said "Out to lunch; Will return in seven and a half million years", to calculate the answer to life, the universe and everything. When Zarquon finally returned, seven and a half million years later, his people, Froods, had much rejoicing as the Prophet had indeed returned as he said he would.

The Answer

Upon Zarquon's return, the people of Zarquon Froods held events in his honor, primarily the gladitorial games where Froods would test their skills by attempting to slay the Ravenous Blatter Beast that ran rampant throughout the nation.

A large palace was also constructed during his absence in the center of Zarquon City and a large statue of his likeness, hood down of course, was built on the pathway leading to the palace entrance. It is said that there was enough stone and marble made into the palace to form a legal sized planet.

All of this was in anticipation of the Great Reveal where Zarquon would finaly disclose the answer he had been contemplating.

The day of the reveal was the ultimate in street parties. The entire population had gathered at the Palace steps to hear the answer. And, when Zarquon finally appeard, it is said that the roar of the crowd could be heard in both polar regions of the planet. Finally, Zarquon raised his hand and the crowd fell silent. He then removed his hood and proceeded to say, "It is after much deliberation, consolidation and anticipation that I am here today to reveal to you the answer to life, the universe and everything. I have spent seven and a half million years traveling far and wide, mentally and spiritually, physically and metaphysically and I have finally come to the conclusion that the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything Two."

The crowd fell silent when the answer was revealed. When questioned as to wheather or not that was the right answer, Zarquon repsonded that he was certain that was the right answer. Another citizen asked him what the question was. Zarquon couldn't remember because he had spent seven and a half million years trying to figure out the answer and not thought much about the question since his calculations began.

The Enlightenment

After it was revealed that the question was lost, all of the nation's philosophers, scientists and archivists began a culminated effort to try and find the ultimate question, but Zarquon warned that there is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something more bizarrely inexplicable. And that there is another theory which states that this has already happened.

In the mean time the number forty two became a national symbol finding itself on the national flag. People would incoporate it into their lives by having forty two children, men would have forty two wives (this was eventually outlawed). New buildings were constructed so they would only have forty two floors. The large white stone mountain in the long range separating Zarquon Froods from their western neighbors was re-named Mount Meaning and had the number forty two carved into it's face in every numerical form known. The forty second day of the year became a national holiday where local theater groups would reenact the Great Reveal. The highlight of the celebration was when Zarquon would lead the grand parade through the streets of Zarquon City riding on the back of a Ravenous Blatter Beast.

The question has still not been discovered.