.450 Vixen

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.450 Vixen is a short assault rifle round based on the .450 Phoenix full size rifle round. It has ballistics simmilar to and is in the same class as .45-75 Govt., .458 SOCOM, .50 Beowulf and .500 S&W. It was designed for the still classified "Phoenix Assault Rifle".

Tpmtiny.PNG Phoenix Dynamix INC

A-4X Skyhawk | A-17 Warhawk | AV-28 Wraith | A-39 Firefox | Cargo Aircraft | F-27 Haste | F-29 Scorpion | F-31X Cyclone | F/B-4 Phantom III | F-2 Talon | F-3 FireCat | F-4X Phantom II |
Land Systems:
T-1 Scorpion | T-2 Savage | T-3 Warrior | Talon | T-8 Sprite | M212 Howitzer
Naval Vessels:
Xero Class Cruiser | Phoenix Class Aircraft Carrier | Hammerhead Class Light Aircraft Carrier | Vrelck Class Battlecruiser
AR-22 Series | Assault Rifles | Pistols | Sub-Machine Guns | Shotguns and Grenade Launchers | Sniper Rifles | Machine Guns| Flamethrowers and Rockets
Missiles, Munitions and Weapons:
.450 Phoenix | .342 Longbolt | 6.66mm Dante | BGM-5 Hatchet | BGM-6 Battle Axe | 112mm Cannon | 128mm Cannon