12th Foot

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The 12th Foot is one of Sicinia's currently more distinguished regiments, its history carrying it back to the beginning of the Panselle War. Raised in County Saint Michele, it was assigned to the 1st Shock Army although it did not reach its posting until after the Battle of Three Armies. It's action at Teur d'Montagne Rocheuse was its baptism of fire, and it did Sicinia proud.

Called upon along with the rest of the 1st Shock Army to fight as a rear guard to allow the 2nd and 3rd Shock Armies to escape, it performed gallant service, and surprisingly managed to escape the closing Akaeian trap. With most of the 1st Shock Army killed, wounded, or captured, the 12th was assigned to the 3rd Shock Army and fought bravely in the fierce fighting at Marbicourt. When the battle was finally over, the soldiers of the regiment were so covered with blood blood that they were given the name The Red Dozen.

The regiment served with the Army during the Three Day's War and as part of d'Fayme's brigade participated in the heroic relief of Akaeian forces at the battle of Kargden Hill during the Zagorlad War.