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Ríëarnanórë Valanieva o Acranya
Imperial Crown Colony of Acranania
coloniummagestariumacrananium.jpg |
Flag of Acranya
 - English
"Arne Tomanya Tulta Hande."
"From Tomania We Seek Guidance."
Official Language Quenya (though Greek is more widely spoken)
Capital Laurëarond (formerly Mykenae)
Consul-General Kasadar Galathil
Population 84,005,000
Official Religion Ainurlindalë
Mother country Greater Tomania
Nation Type colony
National Animal Peacock
Currency Tokken ( § ), slit into 144 Reli ( ¤ )


Time Zone ET 1
Calling Code 0515+125

The Imperial Crown Colony of Acranania (Quenya, Ríëarnanórë Valanieva o Acranya) formely the Kingdom of Acranania, is a Crown colony and under direct control of the Imperial government in Imaldris.

Liberation of Acranania

In March of 2004, the Imperium of Greater Tomania conquered the former Kingdom, much of Gemini Exterro condemned the act as an aggressive invasion, however. Tomania has stated, and proven, that the former Royal Government under Emperor Xenaeophon has been systematically rounding up the Laiquendi and sending them to death camps. The Laiqunedi are a cousin division to the Tomar.

In 1938, Acranania invaded the former Kingdom of Urumador, the ancestral homeland of the Laiquendi, and since then they were living as second class citizens under the rule of the Chrysantopoulos dynasty. Tomania had always been a supporter of the Laiquendi Liberation Front (LLF). Then in 2000, Tomanian agents in the VSV, uncovered plans for the liquidation of the Laiquendi under the emperor Xenaeophon, the Empire than began to plan the liberation of Acranania.

In March of 2004, the Imperial Army and Navy under the command of Lord Conqueror Kasadar Galathil sailed to the golden coast of Acranania and within a few weeks liberated the nation from the tyrannical yoke of the murderous Emperor Xenaeophon Radamanathermos Chrysantopoulos.

Trans-Exterran Monorail

After Tomania set up its colonial government in Laurëarond (formerly Mykenae) began a project so that citizens of Acranya and Tomania might freely travel from the one part of the Empire to the other. However, air travel is to expensive and environmentally unsound, therefore, the government began to build a monorail across the Great Desert.

In April 2005 the Monorail was complete starting at Laurëarond and ending in Armenelos. The monorial can hold up to two-thousand passengers, it also has three armored cars for protection against Haraad tibe attacks.

The Monorail stands nineteen meters above the Sands and at each base is surrounded by automated turrets, land mines, electrical fences, and other security measures. A highly fortified base was built in the middle in-case emergencies.

The Trans-Exterran Monorial is free to all Tomanian and Morindiran citizens and has been very successful.