Akhalla Operation

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Akhalla Operation Summary
Date: April 16
Locations: Ta-akbar-ar, Akhalla
Outcome: Ta-akbar-ar takne by Martentopis
Casualties (approx.)
Military: 800 dead
Civilian: about 100 dead
Total: about 900 dead
Main Participants
Martentopis Akhalla
Martentopis 3rd army fleet
Martentopis 3rd army airforce
1st amphibian division

Akhallan 1st army

This 10-hour operation by Martentopis to take over Akhalla only partally succeeded, because of Akhalla pullling themselves out of the combat. Martentopis decided to go with Ta-akbar-ar, and not conquer the whole nation. Martentopis and Akhalla dispute the casue of the incidents. Martentopis claims Akhalla was mistreating it's prisoners, while Akhalla claims Martentopis was after it's oil. What is known though, is that Martentopsi was watching Akhalla for a long time before the operation, though.

April 6 Several bombs blow-up a winery in the capital of Akhalla. The Akhallan police starts investigations.

April 9 The Akhallan SWAT storm a fireworks whop. One Akhallan and one Martentopian are captured. Another Martentopian is said to have fleed.

April 10 It is made clear a Martentopis Secret Government Organization (MSGO) agent has shot 11 Akhallan officers (wounding them) when finally shouting himself in the head. The Akhallan SWAT get ready to storm the airport, where the MSGO is said to be hiding.

April 13 six people killed in raid on airport-base of MSGO. most of organization flees back to Martentopis. The nation of the Royal Code gets prepared to back-up side with best reason.

April 14 Martentopis sends F-16s to blow-up several prison complexes in Akhalla that allegedly tortured prisoners (according to Martentopis). 11 people die.

April 16, 2:00 AM The Martentopis fleet amasses outside the port-city of Ta-akbar-ar, waiting for decleration of war.

6:00 AM Akhalla bombs Martentopis troops positions on Ta-akbar-ar beach. about 50 people are killed. Martentopis declares war on Akhalla.

7:00 AM The fleet sends troops to storm the beach-head. Battling starts.

7:30 AM Martentopis planes bomb Ta-akbar-ar. Over 80 people die. Martentopis troops are driven back from within the city by Akhalla.

9:00 AM Re-inforcemnts for martentopis are sent. with extra air-support, the army pushes through to the harbour district.

12:00 AM Ta-akbar-ar conquered. Akhalla pulls out.