Aki Takamatsu

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Aki Takamatsu

Aki Takamatsu is a field reporter for several Ariddian media.

Knowledgeable on a variety of topics, she has a degree in journalism and is self-taught in many fields, including sciences.

Given her country’s limited means for dispatching reporters abroad, she works for several Ariddian media, including the newspapers La Voix du Peuple and Planète, and the television channels Public International News Ariddia (PINA), Channel Three and Action News 8. The latter, a very small, local news channel based in Haven, is her primary employer.

Takamatsu is often the first Ariddian reporter on the scene of breaking news, unless PINA has a permanent reporter in the vicinity. She is known to be relentless when interviewing someone, and if the interviewee shirks a question she will ask it repeatedly until she obtains a satisfactory answer.

Takamatsu speaks French, English, Wymgani, Ariddian French Sign Language (LSFA), Dutch and Japanese.