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Alåvora is a Kiravian colony located on a fold of 7 large, subarctic islands.


The islands were discovered by a Xiryan botanical expedition seeking new species of boreal trees. The Empire annexed the islands 2 years later, and began settlement.

Soon, there were 800,000 Kiravians in the province. Mancen raiders attacked the Western part of the colony, but were reppelled.

In 47 A.C., the colony became a centre for shipping, trade, manufacturing, and technology in the area.


For a subarctic island country, Alåvora is quite developed. It serves as the perfect base for shipping to the wordls northerly regions, and has made a buisness of processing minerals, fish, leather, biochemicals, oil, and crabs brought from the Arctic. Shipbuilding and repair is a major industry on the Eastrn islands.

The economy has, and continues to grow steadily, and the standard of living is steadily increasing.

Science and Education

The Eastern islands are home to many colleges, and one university: University of Åledmar.