Ambrellese Conservative Party

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The Ambrellese Conservative Party
Leader Horatio Heraldo
Chairperson Moose Walter
Spokesperson Hansel Greek
Founded July, 1996
Headquarters Rainz, Ambrella
Political ideology Very Conservative
International affiliation Ambrellese
Slogan "We win."

The Ambrellese Conservative Party has taken back seat to the Other Party since it gained control of the government in 1997. In 2004, The Ambrellese Conservative Party gained a surprising majority in the Executive Council. Then, in 2006 it shockingly obtained the Presidency. Until 2007 when M. A. Pitt took the country for himself and dropped his party, the Ambrellese Conservative Party was in control.

The information on this page is under question of removal by the "Ambrella Political Opposition Act".