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(Got rid of the Iesus stuff. Hopes that cleans it up a bit.)
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[[The Amerigan War]], also known as the [[Slaver War]] or the Amerigan Slaver War, was a conflict early in [[NationStates]] history and sometimes referred to as [[WWIII]] by those who have been counting. It is often considered the epitome of great war roleplay, but since then all threads related to it have been lost forever to the winds of the forum.
The [[Amerigan War]], also known as the [[Slaver War]] or the Amerigan Slaver War, was a conflict early in [[NationStates]] history and sometimes referred to as [[WWIV]] by those who have been counting. It is often considered the epitome of great war roleplay, but since then all threads related to it have been lost forever to the winds of the forum.
The [[war]] began with the public revelation that [[Amerigo]] still practiced Slavery. Several coalitions developed to either liberate the slaves, conquer [[Amerigo]], or defend it, and numerous other nations became involved as a cascade effect.
The [[war]] began with the public revelation that [[Amerigo]] still practiced Slavery. Several coalitions developed to either liberate the slaves, conquer [[Amerigo]], or defend it, and numerous other nations became involved as a cascade effect.
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It began with a blockade, then a naval and air war, then progressed to a ground invasion of the island of Amerigo.
It began with a blockade, then a naval and air war, then progressed to a ground invasion of the island of Amerigo.
[[Tahar Joblis]] played a prominent role in organizing the threads with indices [[OOC]]ly, and [[IC]]ly loomed until such point in time as [[Tahar Joblissan]] [[TJF-3 Mongoose]] fighters engaged [[EOTED]] [[M-sharp Interceptor|M#s]], with surprising results for all, and a [[Yavin]] [[submersible aircraft carrier]] captured a [[solar powered submarine]] from [[Tahar Joblis]], which detonated a [[nuclear device]] in its hold, bringing the [[war]] to a very tense moment.
[[Tahar Joblis]] played a prominent role in organizing the threads with indices [[OOC]]ly, and [[IC]]ly loomed until such point in time as [[Tahar Joblissan]] [[TJF-3 Mongoose]] fighters engaged [[EOTED]] [[M-sharp Interceptor|M#s]], with surprising results for all, and a [[Yavin]] submersible [[aircraft carrier]] captured a solar-powered [[submarine]] from [[Tahar Joblis]], which detonated a [[nuclear device]] in its hold, bringing the [[war]] to a very tense moment.
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What eventually became known as the Amerigan Slaver war began in late January/early February of 2003, when the Republic of [[Syskeyia]] became aware that the People's Republic of [[Amerigo]] was selling slaves.  As a result, [[Syskeyia|Syskeyian]] President and First Consul [[Benedict Michael Sukothai]] ordered a blockade of the country and set up a forward deployment base at the nearby [[St. Peter Claver Island]].  Unofficial diplomatic neogatiations, as well as an undeclared naval war began, but the crisis seemed to be resolved when [[Amerigo]] took [[Ineptia]]'s offer to buy all of [[Amerigo]]'s slaves.
What eventually became known as the Amerigan Slaver war began in late January/early February of 2003, when the Republic of [[Syskeyia]] became aware that the People's Republic of [[Amerigo]] was selling slaves.  As a result, [[Syskeyia|Syskeyian]] President and First Consul [[Benedict Michael Sukothai]] ordered a blockade of the country and set up a forward deployment base at the nearby [[St. Peter Claver Island]].  Unofficial diplomatic neogatiations, as well as an undeclared naval war began, but the crisis seemed to be resolved when [[Amerigo]] took [[Ineptia]]'s offer to buy all of [[Amerigo]]'s slaves.
This resolution, however, was thwarted when mercenaries from the [[BlackWolf Order]] destroyed one of the Ineptian transports.  Ineptia canceled the deal, and though Syskeyia took up the offer, Amerigo refused to agree to Syskeyia's request.
This resolution, however, was thwarted when mercenaries from the [[BlackWolf Order]] destroyed one of the Ineptian transports.  Ineptia canceled the deal as [[Aerigia]] and [[Lost Vegas]], two other nations from [[The Heartland]] joined the fray. In the wake of this, Syskeyia took up the offer. However, Amerigo refused to agree to Syskeyia's request.
An undeclared naval and air war followed, with [[Melkor Unchained]] sending in a token force to (unsuccessfully) engage the [[Syskeyia|Syskeyian]] fleet.  [[Amerigo]] called the involved nations together for a peace conference at the [[Amerigo|Amerigan]] port city of [[Liasa]], but the conference was soon aborted.
An undeclared naval and air war followed, with [[Melkor Unchained]] sending in a token force to (unsuccessfully) engage the [[Syskeyia|Syskeyian]] fleet.  [[Amerigo]] called the involved nations together for a peace conference at the [[Amerigo|Amerigan]] port city of [[Liasa]], but the conference was soon aborted.
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(Two things should be noted here: First, [[Melkor]] attended the conference in person - God only knows how he fit in the building, and secondly, [[Syskeyia|Syskeyian]] President and First Consul [[Benedict Michael Sukothai]] arrived in [[Amerigo]] to attend the conference, but by the time he got there, the conference was closed.)
(Two things should be noted here: First, [[Melkor]] attended the conference in person - God only knows how he fit in the building, and secondly, [[Syskeyia|Syskeyian]] President and First Consul [[Benedict Michael Sukothai]] arrived in [[Amerigo]] to attend the conference, but by the time he got there, the conference was closed.)
After some more fruitless negotiations, [[Amerigo]] declared war on the "anti-slaver" nations.  [[Iesus Christi]] and the [[Reich]] were the first to land, making their way through the countryside in a scortched-earth manner.   
After some more fruitless negotiations, [[Amerigo]] declared war on the "anti-slaver" nations.  [[Iesus Christi]] and the [[Reich]] were the first to land, making their way through the countryside in a scortched-earth manner, fighting savagely against the armies of [[Amerigo]] and [[Chellis]], as well as others.   
A joint force of [[Syskeyia|Syskeyian]], [[Chimaea|Chimaean]] and [[Rastionia|Rastonian]] troops landed on another beach of the Amerigan coastline and advanced their way to [[Jungle Falls]].
A joint force of [[Syskeyia|Syskeyian]], [[Chimaea|Chimaean]] and [[Rastionia|Rastonian]] troops landed on another beach of the Amerigan coastline and advanced their way to [[Jungle Falls]].
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In the middle of the war, the [[Amerigo|Amerigan]] government collapsed.  Some time therafter, a certain [[Amerigo|Amerigan]] general took control of the government, declaring slavery to be abolished as part of a larger program of Marxism.  With that, the anti-slavery forces withdrew, and the war was brought to a surprisingly calm conclusion.
In the middle of the war, the [[Amerigo|Amerigan]] government collapsed.  Some time therafter, a certain [[Amerigo|Amerigan]] general took control of the government, declaring slavery to be abolished as part of a larger program of Marxism.  With that, the anti-slavery forces withdrew, and the war was brought to a surprisingly calm conclusion.
=== Consequences of the Amerigan Slaver War ===
==Consequences of the Amerigan Slaver War==
This war, which is generally considered to be one of the greatest wars ever fought in NS, is probably the most well-known conflict in NS involving slavery.  [[Syskeyia]] kept its grip on [[St. Peter Claver Island]], worried that [[Amerigo]] might wish to expand its Marxist empire, and the [[BlackWolf Order]] became an ally of [[Ineptia]].
This war, which is generally considered to be one of the greatest wars ever fought in NS, is probably the most well-known conflict in NS involving slavery.  [[Syskeyia]] kept its grip on [[St. Peter Claver Island]], worried that [[Amerigo]] might wish to expand its Marxist empire, and the [[BlackWolf Order]] became an ally of [[Ineptia]].
One of the most memorable aspects of the war was the conduct of the Reich forces.
One of the most memorable aspects of the war was the conduct of the Reich forces.
[[Category: Wars]]
''Composed by the Macabees on Nation States''
'''Modern War Studies Series:  The Amerigan Slave War'''
In this first publication for my Modern War Series I have attempted to piece together a history of the Amerigo Slave War, and at the same time, attempted to present an accurate analysis of strategy and tactics. However, as you may be aware of, any analysis of the Amerigo Slave War required a re-construction of the war, which, with the information at hand, was nearly impossible. Consequently, I stumbled into a myriad of problems and obstacles, however, I hope that this analysis provides further insight on what some recall as the best role play on NationStates, and, perhaps, the first large war of NationStates, with some of the best role players.
First, I would like to thank NSWiki for their excellent, if brief, coverage of the war, as well as all those who have attempted before to piece a history together. They were testaments to how difficult, and how arduous, such a job is. Although Tahar Joblis agreed to talk to me about the war I never had a chance to fully conversate with him due to my time table, however, should I ever get in touch with him expect a new, much more upgraded, edition of this manuscript to be released.
Second, if anybody has any information to give, please contact me through AIM (nucleicacidman), MSN (puto_poeta@hotmail.com) or by e-mail (jonathan.catalan@gmail.com). All information would be most welcomed and would ultimately help in creating the most accurate description of the Amerigo Slave War. Furthermore, it would get your name on the bibliography!
I have styled the “history” in a total of seven sections, including this introduction. The rest are, without detail, “cassus belli”, “the landings”, “the ‘cheap unit’ strategy”, “stalemate and collapse”, “end war”, and “conclusions”. In detail, cassus belli deals with the reasons to go to war, and descriptions of the personae dramatis. The landings deal with… the landings, and the cheap unit strategy deals with the naval and air war, while stalemate and collapse leads to the finale, with end war finally giving you the end. Conclusions deals with analysis, and… conclusions.
Hope you enjoy,
The Macabees
===Chapter Two: Cassus Belli===
The genesis of slavery provides an excellent insight on the development of nations early on in history, and the issue of slavery was one which lacked a blurry middle, and was clearly an issue where the two sides were substantially divided. Moreover, tensions over slavery were characteristically high, and those who supported it did so without hesitation, and those who believed against it were diehard to that cause. Consequently, wars over slavery were as much an occurrence as any other reasons for war, and it was only a matter of time that a major conflict sprung from the eggs laid from smaller brushfire wars that had laid the groundwork for the division of ideals. An example of this is the American Civil War (1861-1865) where attempts to push the matter of slavery under the carpet for later clean up burst in their face, and instead, they received a five year war, claiming around a million lives. Indeed, the war that would burst soon enough would claim not just a million lives, but millions.
It’s increasingly important to understand the matter of slave wars, only because the theme is constantly re-surgent, in fact increasingly cyclical. In the particular instance of Amerigo the slavery was especially ideological. However, what’s ironic is that many of the nations that came to bring war to Amerigo practiced their own forms of injustices. For example, Iesus Christi was incredibly well known for his persecution of non-Catholics and non-human races, and was in fact the butt of a multitude of anti-Iesus alliances. So, it could have been likely that Amerigo’s slavery was focused towards the common man – humans. Furthermore, it could have been just as likely that Amerigo targeted those of religion, which would have given Iesus Christi all the reason to intervene. However, it’s also important to note that Iesus Christi did not join the war until after the debacle of Melkor Unchained’s peacemeal assault on the blockading fleet. So, it would also be safe to say that Iesus Christi’s intervention was one of force, as he may have had an ally already engaged in the blockade. However, the discussion of this should be left for later.
All evidence indicates that Amerigo decided to openly export slaves from his country, and that he paraded the fact throughout the world, bringing in the attention of dozens of nations, both sympathetic to slavery and sympathetic to the anti-slavery cause. In fact, within days the matter became an international crisis. The escalation was not unlike any other attempt to pressure a sovereign who enslaves, however, this case was marked by especially belligerent countries, willing to go to war over the issue. At some point Syskeyia, evidently a powerful nation, came to the ultimate decision that a blockade on Amerigo was absolutely necessary in order to stem the exportation of humans, and Syskeyia deployed just to that end, even forging a forward base on St. Peter Claver Island, just off the coast of Amerigo. What’s interesting is that Syskeyia was also a fervent Catholic nation, which further points to the idea that Amerigo’s targets for slavery were those that were men of faith, and Syskeyia’s participation could be why Iesus Christi decided to join the fray.
In any case, an undeclared naval war followed and all details of this are lost in the archives, although further conversation with some of the nations may in fact shed light in this area. However, the period was also marked with considerable amounts of diplomacy, in which in the end Ineptia decided that it was in everyone’s favor to just buy the slaves, import them, and free them, which Amerigo agreed to. Subsequently, Ineptian ships made their way to Amerigo, however, it was just at that point where the turning point of the diplomatic situation was made present. Mercenary groups, under the command of the BlackWolf Order Army, attacked and sunk a considerable part of Ineptia’s shipping convoy, forcing Ineptia to leave the area unsuccessfully. Consequently, Amerigo still had the slaves, and the tension further heightened, making war almost unavoidable. To alleviate the situation Syskeyia agreed to buy the slaves and offered the same terms as Ineptia, however, Amerigo refused.
Why Amerigo refused may never be answered. However, the best explanation would most likely be because of pride. Syskeyia’s blockade of Amerigo had resulted in several naval operations in the area, and with tensions so high national pride was a stake, and for Amerigo, selling the slaves to Syskeyia would be defeat, and so, it attributed to his decision to refuse Syskeyia’s offer. In any case, the refusal made war just a matter of time. Also, at some point Amerigo offered to meet the representatives of all nations involved to discuss the matter, however, this attempt at peace was also shattered, again, most likely due to national pride. Melkor Unchained launched several attempts to break the blockade prior to the peace conference, but these ultimately failed.
As piecemeal attacks Melkor had both commited his men into a suicide attack, and he had, in fact, ensured the advent of war. Finally, Amerigo himself declared war on the blockading countries and the Bay of Amerigo rose in flames as the sides scrambled to destroy each other.
Why did this war have to happen? Well, as told before, slavery had been more or less pushed under the table, and it finally rose to a breaking point – something, that could not be ignored. More over, the sheer power shared by the nations involved promised that neither of them would bend easily, and finally national pride escalated the situation until war broke out.
===Chapter Three: The Landings===
Following Amerigo's decleration of war Iesus Christi commited to a joint landing, with the Reich, on the beaches of Amerigo. The operation must have gone swiftly, as no written records which survive describe military operations, so it could be deducted that any that actually happened were of little importance. What is important to acknowledge was the slash and burn policy of the Reich and Iesus Christi, which would contribute to Iesus Christi's ultimate demise as an 'evil nation', although he was a loyal Catholic. However, much of what was occupied by Iesus Christi and the Reich as they advanced was destroyed.
At the same time another force, spearheaded by Syskeyia, Chimea, and Rastonia landed on a seperate beach and continued a second axis of advance. The implications of the landings are obvious, as the dual threat would force Amerigo's forces to split and consequently thin, thus weakening his war effort. However, it's also evident that the split into two seperate axis weakened the drives considerably, relating them to a single drive. One axis would have placed all the pressure on a single tip slowly forcing Amerigo's forces to break, and using their comparative strength to their advantage. However, at the time such a strategy may have led to a brutal slugfest earlier in the campaign.
The second axis was able to hit the city of Jungle Falls, but as Iesus Christi's and the Reich's advance are barely covered, yet the second advance is said to finally reach a city, it's very plausable that the second advance met heavy resistance, and consequently, deductable that so did Iesus Christi's. It is apparent that after the reaching of Jungle Falls the fighting stalled, and this seems to indicate heavy resistance on the part of Amerigo.
As a result, casualties must have been extremely high for the invading forces, and it is very strange that all written records on the event fall suspiciously silent. Because one of the sources was written by a Syskeyian author, and the other anonymous, which might as well be Syskeyia, it could be that the war may have been glorified to further enhance the reputation of Syskeyia. In the Syskeyian account of the war it claims that the Syskeyian and allied army stopped "short of the city of Jungle Falls."
At the focal point of the war seemed to have turned from the ground war to the air war, although this will be left for discussion in the next chapter. However, the ground war must have been incredibly ferocious. According to another anonymous account Syskeyia ultimately put sixteen divisions into the ground war, a testament to the need for man power in a war of attrition. Casualties must have been incredibly high for both sides and the destruction wrought on Amerigo was evidence of the ferocious combat in the country. However, casualties were not high enough to force any nation out of the war, so it could be assumed that total casualties for the ground war in this time span was somewhere around fifty thousand per side - although, casualties at this time area impossible to pin down.
Additionally, during the first days of the war it's likely that the naval war had subsided for a landing during a heated blockade is an incredible feat, and it's very possible that either the blockaders had scored an amazing victory over Amerigo, or that Amerigo had happened to not launch any naval sallies on the blockade. However, a landing during those times was an incredible happening, and even without naval sallies casualties during the landing must have been incredibly high, although, again, impossible to pin point.
===Chapter Four: The "Cheap Unit" Strategy===
Why the ground war shifted to a naval/air war is uncertain, however, the meatgrinder in Amerigo may have been a reason. Moreover, the appearance of EOTED in the war made the scene much more problamatic. It may have also been that the Amerigan fleet was completely devastated in the first days of the war. IT is known that Tahar Joblis detonated a nuclear device during the war, however, the exact date is unknown. The detonation destroyed a submersible aircraft carrier belonging to Yavik, after his hydrogen fuel cell powered submarine risked capture.
In any case, EOTED's M# Interceptors jabbed at blockading forces in their first deployment. The advent of EOTED is strange since he was fighting for neither side, and his political aims remain unclear, since EOTED collapsed and reformed as the ICEL. It may be that the EOTED saw itself as the force to end the war.
The M# fighters soon became embroiled in bloody dog fights with large amounts of TJF-3 Mongoose fighters. A description of the M# is unavailable but the TJF-3 is recorded in several documents. The TJF-3 was incredibly cheap, and robust as well and all weather worthy. The Mongooses payload, including foward canards with a 20mm cannon, was considered light, but it made up for any deficiencies through speed and maneuverability.
The M#s Interceptor faced incredibly amounts of casualties. The anonymous source includes the fact that the M# had more of its class destroyed than any other fighter. However, it also faced the most enemies. Consequently, it is safe to assume that the kill ratio between specific aircraft shifted to the M#s favor, making it the best aircraft of the war. The allied navies in the Bay of Amerigo also dealt heavy casualties on the EOTED's M# Interceptors.
The destruction wrought must have been incredible, with dozens of aircraft constantly falling out of the sky in fiery balls. It was also one of the last wards where the opposing sides threw fighters at one another, regardless of casualties, testament to the ferouciousness of the war and the willingness of countries to emerge victorious no matter the cost. As for the strategy it seemed to be a heavy failure, with M#s eventually losing the war in some respects. Moreover, most of the nations involved fell out of the international elite soon after, perhaps due to such high casualties.
From then on the war turned into a bloody quagmire - technological attrition. The first signs of which appeared during the final stages of the Amerigo Slave War.
Although the strategy may work in a war where your enemy might not want to take heavy casualties, the use of cheap units proved disastrous in the air - both sides losing thousands of men.
''still under construction - to comment please see:  http://forums2.jolt.co.uk/showthread.php?t=393690''

Latest revision as of 15:33, 3 January 2006

The Amerigan War, also known as the Slaver War or the Amerigan Slaver War, was a conflict early in NationStates history and sometimes referred to as WWIII by those who have been counting. It is often considered the epitome of great war roleplay, but since then all threads related to it have been lost forever to the winds of the forum.

The war began with the public revelation that Amerigo still practiced Slavery. Several coalitions developed to either liberate the slaves, conquer Amerigo, or defend it, and numerous other nations became involved as a cascade effect.

After much diplomatic breast-beating, Amerigo was blockaded, and then later invaded, with most of the major players of the time participating in one fashion or another. Kitsylvania was elected to moderate the RP by common popular consent, although not in any official game capacity - this preceded actual moderators selected from the player base - and somehow it all worked, according to all the old farts who hang around and talk about Role Playing.

It began with a blockade, then a naval and air war, then progressed to a ground invasion of the island of Amerigo.

Tahar Joblis played a prominent role in organizing the threads with indices OOCly, and ICly loomed until such point in time as Tahar Joblissan TJF-3 Mongoose fighters engaged EOTED M#s, with surprising results for all, and a Yavin submersible aircraft carrier captured a solar-powered submarine from Tahar Joblis, which detonated a nuclear device in its hold, bringing the war to a very tense moment.

An extended view

What eventually became known as the Amerigan Slaver war began in late January/early February of 2003, when the Republic of Syskeyia became aware that the People's Republic of Amerigo was selling slaves. As a result, Syskeyian President and First Consul Benedict Michael Sukothai ordered a blockade of the country and set up a forward deployment base at the nearby St. Peter Claver Island. Unofficial diplomatic neogatiations, as well as an undeclared naval war began, but the crisis seemed to be resolved when Amerigo took Ineptia's offer to buy all of Amerigo's slaves.

This resolution, however, was thwarted when mercenaries from the BlackWolf Order destroyed one of the Ineptian transports. Ineptia canceled the deal as Aerigia and Lost Vegas, two other nations from The Heartland joined the fray. In the wake of this, Syskeyia took up the offer. However, Amerigo refused to agree to Syskeyia's request.

An undeclared naval and air war followed, with Melkor Unchained sending in a token force to (unsuccessfully) engage the Syskeyian fleet. Amerigo called the involved nations together for a peace conference at the Amerigan port city of Liasa, but the conference was soon aborted.

(Two things should be noted here: First, Melkor attended the conference in person - God only knows how he fit in the building, and secondly, Syskeyian President and First Consul Benedict Michael Sukothai arrived in Amerigo to attend the conference, but by the time he got there, the conference was closed.)

After some more fruitless negotiations, Amerigo declared war on the "anti-slaver" nations. Iesus Christi and the Reich were the first to land, making their way through the countryside in a scortched-earth manner, fighting savagely against the armies of Amerigo and Chellis, as well as others.

A joint force of Syskeyian, Chimaean and Rastonian troops landed on another beach of the Amerigan coastline and advanced their way to Jungle Falls.

At this point, EOTED declared that it would 'fight the war' - and not on any particular side - and launched air assets into the fray. These air assets combined with a small naval taskforce - the latter remaining well outside the combat area, content to launch long-range non-lethal weapons against ground emplacements on both sides. The air assets, for their part, attempted a 'harrying' action in the Bay of Amerigo, but faced stiff opposition from the Tahar Joblissian Navy. The M# interceptor was first deployed here, and although the M#s took losses beyond those of their enemies, they displayed their prowess in the air and furthered the image of the EOTED far beyond what it had previously been.

The war itself continued in what was in effect a stalemated position, with both sides gaining and losing ground on a continual basis; shelling of positions by EOTED forces no doubt added to the difficulty of fighting a ground war, as large numbers of troops on both sides were knocked unconscious by incoming non-lethal ultrasound missiles.

In the middle of the war, the Amerigan government collapsed. Some time therafter, a certain Amerigan general took control of the government, declaring slavery to be abolished as part of a larger program of Marxism. With that, the anti-slavery forces withdrew, and the war was brought to a surprisingly calm conclusion.

Consequences of the Amerigan Slaver War

This war, which is generally considered to be one of the greatest wars ever fought in NS, is probably the most well-known conflict in NS involving slavery. Syskeyia kept its grip on St. Peter Claver Island, worried that Amerigo might wish to expand its Marxist empire, and the BlackWolf Order became an ally of Ineptia.

One of the most memorable aspects of the war was the conduct of the Reich forces.

Composed by the Macabees on Nation States Modern War Studies Series: The Amerigan Slave War


In this first publication for my Modern War Series I have attempted to piece together a history of the Amerigo Slave War, and at the same time, attempted to present an accurate analysis of strategy and tactics. However, as you may be aware of, any analysis of the Amerigo Slave War required a re-construction of the war, which, with the information at hand, was nearly impossible. Consequently, I stumbled into a myriad of problems and obstacles, however, I hope that this analysis provides further insight on what some recall as the best role play on NationStates, and, perhaps, the first large war of NationStates, with some of the best role players.

First, I would like to thank NSWiki for their excellent, if brief, coverage of the war, as well as all those who have attempted before to piece a history together. They were testaments to how difficult, and how arduous, such a job is. Although Tahar Joblis agreed to talk to me about the war I never had a chance to fully conversate with him due to my time table, however, should I ever get in touch with him expect a new, much more upgraded, edition of this manuscript to be released.

Second, if anybody has any information to give, please contact me through AIM (nucleicacidman), MSN (puto_poeta@hotmail.com) or by e-mail (jonathan.catalan@gmail.com). All information would be most welcomed and would ultimately help in creating the most accurate description of the Amerigo Slave War. Furthermore, it would get your name on the bibliography!

I have styled the “history” in a total of seven sections, including this introduction. The rest are, without detail, “cassus belli”, “the landings”, “the ‘cheap unit’ strategy”, “stalemate and collapse”, “end war”, and “conclusions”. In detail, cassus belli deals with the reasons to go to war, and descriptions of the personae dramatis. The landings deal with… the landings, and the cheap unit strategy deals with the naval and air war, while stalemate and collapse leads to the finale, with end war finally giving you the end. Conclusions deals with analysis, and… conclusions.

Hope you enjoy,

The Macabees

Chapter Two: Cassus Belli

The genesis of slavery provides an excellent insight on the development of nations early on in history, and the issue of slavery was one which lacked a blurry middle, and was clearly an issue where the two sides were substantially divided. Moreover, tensions over slavery were characteristically high, and those who supported it did so without hesitation, and those who believed against it were diehard to that cause. Consequently, wars over slavery were as much an occurrence as any other reasons for war, and it was only a matter of time that a major conflict sprung from the eggs laid from smaller brushfire wars that had laid the groundwork for the division of ideals. An example of this is the American Civil War (1861-1865) where attempts to push the matter of slavery under the carpet for later clean up burst in their face, and instead, they received a five year war, claiming around a million lives. Indeed, the war that would burst soon enough would claim not just a million lives, but millions.

It’s increasingly important to understand the matter of slave wars, only because the theme is constantly re-surgent, in fact increasingly cyclical. In the particular instance of Amerigo the slavery was especially ideological. However, what’s ironic is that many of the nations that came to bring war to Amerigo practiced their own forms of injustices. For example, Iesus Christi was incredibly well known for his persecution of non-Catholics and non-human races, and was in fact the butt of a multitude of anti-Iesus alliances. So, it could have been likely that Amerigo’s slavery was focused towards the common man – humans. Furthermore, it could have been just as likely that Amerigo targeted those of religion, which would have given Iesus Christi all the reason to intervene. However, it’s also important to note that Iesus Christi did not join the war until after the debacle of Melkor Unchained’s peacemeal assault on the blockading fleet. So, it would also be safe to say that Iesus Christi’s intervention was one of force, as he may have had an ally already engaged in the blockade. However, the discussion of this should be left for later.

All evidence indicates that Amerigo decided to openly export slaves from his country, and that he paraded the fact throughout the world, bringing in the attention of dozens of nations, both sympathetic to slavery and sympathetic to the anti-slavery cause. In fact, within days the matter became an international crisis. The escalation was not unlike any other attempt to pressure a sovereign who enslaves, however, this case was marked by especially belligerent countries, willing to go to war over the issue. At some point Syskeyia, evidently a powerful nation, came to the ultimate decision that a blockade on Amerigo was absolutely necessary in order to stem the exportation of humans, and Syskeyia deployed just to that end, even forging a forward base on St. Peter Claver Island, just off the coast of Amerigo. What’s interesting is that Syskeyia was also a fervent Catholic nation, which further points to the idea that Amerigo’s targets for slavery were those that were men of faith, and Syskeyia’s participation could be why Iesus Christi decided to join the fray.

In any case, an undeclared naval war followed and all details of this are lost in the archives, although further conversation with some of the nations may in fact shed light in this area. However, the period was also marked with considerable amounts of diplomacy, in which in the end Ineptia decided that it was in everyone’s favor to just buy the slaves, import them, and free them, which Amerigo agreed to. Subsequently, Ineptian ships made their way to Amerigo, however, it was just at that point where the turning point of the diplomatic situation was made present. Mercenary groups, under the command of the BlackWolf Order Army, attacked and sunk a considerable part of Ineptia’s shipping convoy, forcing Ineptia to leave the area unsuccessfully. Consequently, Amerigo still had the slaves, and the tension further heightened, making war almost unavoidable. To alleviate the situation Syskeyia agreed to buy the slaves and offered the same terms as Ineptia, however, Amerigo refused.

Why Amerigo refused may never be answered. However, the best explanation would most likely be because of pride. Syskeyia’s blockade of Amerigo had resulted in several naval operations in the area, and with tensions so high national pride was a stake, and for Amerigo, selling the slaves to Syskeyia would be defeat, and so, it attributed to his decision to refuse Syskeyia’s offer. In any case, the refusal made war just a matter of time. Also, at some point Amerigo offered to meet the representatives of all nations involved to discuss the matter, however, this attempt at peace was also shattered, again, most likely due to national pride. Melkor Unchained launched several attempts to break the blockade prior to the peace conference, but these ultimately failed.

As piecemeal attacks Melkor had both commited his men into a suicide attack, and he had, in fact, ensured the advent of war. Finally, Amerigo himself declared war on the blockading countries and the Bay of Amerigo rose in flames as the sides scrambled to destroy each other.

Why did this war have to happen? Well, as told before, slavery had been more or less pushed under the table, and it finally rose to a breaking point – something, that could not be ignored. More over, the sheer power shared by the nations involved promised that neither of them would bend easily, and finally national pride escalated the situation until war broke out.

Chapter Three: The Landings

Following Amerigo's decleration of war Iesus Christi commited to a joint landing, with the Reich, on the beaches of Amerigo. The operation must have gone swiftly, as no written records which survive describe military operations, so it could be deducted that any that actually happened were of little importance. What is important to acknowledge was the slash and burn policy of the Reich and Iesus Christi, which would contribute to Iesus Christi's ultimate demise as an 'evil nation', although he was a loyal Catholic. However, much of what was occupied by Iesus Christi and the Reich as they advanced was destroyed.

At the same time another force, spearheaded by Syskeyia, Chimea, and Rastonia landed on a seperate beach and continued a second axis of advance. The implications of the landings are obvious, as the dual threat would force Amerigo's forces to split and consequently thin, thus weakening his war effort. However, it's also evident that the split into two seperate axis weakened the drives considerably, relating them to a single drive. One axis would have placed all the pressure on a single tip slowly forcing Amerigo's forces to break, and using their comparative strength to their advantage. However, at the time such a strategy may have led to a brutal slugfest earlier in the campaign.

The second axis was able to hit the city of Jungle Falls, but as Iesus Christi's and the Reich's advance are barely covered, yet the second advance is said to finally reach a city, it's very plausable that the second advance met heavy resistance, and consequently, deductable that so did Iesus Christi's. It is apparent that after the reaching of Jungle Falls the fighting stalled, and this seems to indicate heavy resistance on the part of Amerigo.

As a result, casualties must have been extremely high for the invading forces, and it is very strange that all written records on the event fall suspiciously silent. Because one of the sources was written by a Syskeyian author, and the other anonymous, which might as well be Syskeyia, it could be that the war may have been glorified to further enhance the reputation of Syskeyia. In the Syskeyian account of the war it claims that the Syskeyian and allied army stopped "short of the city of Jungle Falls."

At the focal point of the war seemed to have turned from the ground war to the air war, although this will be left for discussion in the next chapter. However, the ground war must have been incredibly ferocious. According to another anonymous account Syskeyia ultimately put sixteen divisions into the ground war, a testament to the need for man power in a war of attrition. Casualties must have been incredibly high for both sides and the destruction wrought on Amerigo was evidence of the ferocious combat in the country. However, casualties were not high enough to force any nation out of the war, so it could be assumed that total casualties for the ground war in this time span was somewhere around fifty thousand per side - although, casualties at this time area impossible to pin down.

Additionally, during the first days of the war it's likely that the naval war had subsided for a landing during a heated blockade is an incredible feat, and it's very possible that either the blockaders had scored an amazing victory over Amerigo, or that Amerigo had happened to not launch any naval sallies on the blockade. However, a landing during those times was an incredible happening, and even without naval sallies casualties during the landing must have been incredibly high, although, again, impossible to pin point.

Chapter Four: The "Cheap Unit" Strategy

Why the ground war shifted to a naval/air war is uncertain, however, the meatgrinder in Amerigo may have been a reason. Moreover, the appearance of EOTED in the war made the scene much more problamatic. It may have also been that the Amerigan fleet was completely devastated in the first days of the war. IT is known that Tahar Joblis detonated a nuclear device during the war, however, the exact date is unknown. The detonation destroyed a submersible aircraft carrier belonging to Yavik, after his hydrogen fuel cell powered submarine risked capture.

In any case, EOTED's M# Interceptors jabbed at blockading forces in their first deployment. The advent of EOTED is strange since he was fighting for neither side, and his political aims remain unclear, since EOTED collapsed and reformed as the ICEL. It may be that the EOTED saw itself as the force to end the war.

The M# fighters soon became embroiled in bloody dog fights with large amounts of TJF-3 Mongoose fighters. A description of the M# is unavailable but the TJF-3 is recorded in several documents. The TJF-3 was incredibly cheap, and robust as well and all weather worthy. The Mongooses payload, including foward canards with a 20mm cannon, was considered light, but it made up for any deficiencies through speed and maneuverability.

The M#s Interceptor faced incredibly amounts of casualties. The anonymous source includes the fact that the M# had more of its class destroyed than any other fighter. However, it also faced the most enemies. Consequently, it is safe to assume that the kill ratio between specific aircraft shifted to the M#s favor, making it the best aircraft of the war. The allied navies in the Bay of Amerigo also dealt heavy casualties on the EOTED's M# Interceptors.

The destruction wrought must have been incredible, with dozens of aircraft constantly falling out of the sky in fiery balls. It was also one of the last wards where the opposing sides threw fighters at one another, regardless of casualties, testament to the ferouciousness of the war and the willingness of countries to emerge victorious no matter the cost. As for the strategy it seemed to be a heavy failure, with M#s eventually losing the war in some respects. Moreover, most of the nations involved fell out of the international elite soon after, perhaps due to such high casualties.

From then on the war turned into a bloody quagmire - technological attrition. The first signs of which appeared during the final stages of the Amerigo Slave War.

Although the strategy may work in a war where your enemy might not want to take heavy casualties, the use of cheap units proved disastrous in the air - both sides losing thousands of men.

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