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The ancient and venerable masters of The Arcane Order.
- eranioch, Lord of Language
- Antisolan, Master of the Astra
- Landuinai, Seer of All Things
- Tothinanu, Artificer of Creation
- Sakanthis, Voice of Ancient Tanreall
- Zacharine, Wielder of the Flame
- Gaianeian, She Who Shapes Life
- Muiolinan, Architect of Destruction
- Freisonia, Herald of Eternity
- Bachinost, Instrument of Melody
- Isthaniel, Visor of Reason
- Eisoniant, Scriptor of Histories
- Czavinton of the Bright Spear
- Orosintha of the Silver Voice
- Doriontus, Blade of Vengeance