Asgarnian Common Law

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Asgarnian Common Law is a form of law, which is different from any other law system in the world. It is unique to Asgarnieu, and its protectorates, Venada Island and Asgarnian Antarctica.


Misdemeanors are rated by the severity of the crimes. The rating system is as follows:

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4

A Misdemeanor 1 is the least severe. It is usually confined to speeding, "j-walking", drinking in public, and other minor crimes. A Misdemeanor 4 is the most severe form of Misdemeanor. It usually includes wrekless driving, petty larceny, public indecency, and other severe misdemeanors. Misdemeanors are punishable by fines and jail time.


Felonies are also rated by the severity of the crime. The rating system is as follows:

  • Class I
  • Class II
  • Class III

A Felony Class I is the most severe. It includes murder, genocide, beastiality, and other severe crimes. A Felony Class III is the least severe. It includes manslaughter, child endangerment and other less severe felonies. Felonies are punisable by prison time. Only Class I and II Felonies can be punished by death, but only if seen fit by a Civil Jury.