Bastien Ferailler

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Bastien Ferailler
philosopher / university lecturer

Bastien Ferailler is a contemporary Ariddian philosopher. He is an advocate of the theory of Determinism, and has defined free will as "an illusion necessary to the functioning of the human mind. Even Determinists behave as if free will were a reality. To embrace the truth on anything more than a purely intellectual level would render all action impossible".

Ferailler has also written to denounce the dangers of "the capitalist deconstruction of the social contract". He has stressed the importance of societal norms in forming what many believe to be "objective truths, absolute morals and unquestioned normality", and urges his readers to "question all norms, reflect upon their origins, subjectivity and bases".

Ferailler teaches philosophy and literature at the University of Rêvane. His most famous works include Refuting the Myth of "Human Nature": An Analysis of Societal, Economic and Cultural Norms in Capitalist and Non-Capitalist Societies, Why We Should Delude Ourselves: The Illusion of Free Will and Religion and Social Cohesiveness.
