Buyiri Koro Empiere

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Buyiri Koro Empiere was a end of 19th century colossal empiere on the continent of Nodnai ,together with Desh.It began its formation in the 1860's.The majority of its teritory was anexed to Desh and the Horde of the Red Huns in 1889 and in 1901 the rest was partitioned between a the two and the newly created Horde of Horai .

Although Desh fought several campaigns in Buyiri Koro,it never officialy declared war on the empiere until Imperial Edict n. 623/Yama'k Samdariah II./Parliament acts from 6th September 1900,declaring war on Buyiri Koro for ocupation of Yellow Horde.


The state of Buyiri Koro was founded in 1859,after the coup of Allam ul-Jaddam, commander of the palace guard of Jhegle VII. ,in Barum Kingdom .Ul-Jaddam was proclaimed king of Barum by the meeting of the Royal Council after Jhengle's deposition.One month later,he officialy renamed the nation to Buyiri Koro empiere and gave himself the title of "Sultan".

Agresive campagins:

The first act of Allam ul-Jaddam as Sultan was the declaration of war and anexation of the neighbouring petty kingdom of Koglo Kingdom and an ocupation of its neighbour, Jugrum Kingdom ,followed a few months after.

He ended the unification of the penunsila of Mowranai with the incorporation of Bakubaku Kingdom (1860) , Dzulum Sultanate (1861 änd the Dzurum Horde (1862) .Afterward,he moved into the mainlands of the continent Nodnai's west side,ocupying a majority of the local tartar and hun hordes.


Allam ul-Jaddam was the first and only sultan and only member of ul-Jaddam dynasty.After his death without heirs,the Sharem met and offered the to the Amir al-Sharem , Khaim ul-Jheshmi ,who changed the imperial title to that of Shanshah and of the head of Sharem to Sharemshah.The Imperial dynasty of Jhesmi was deposed in 1901,after the abolishment of the state. Khaim II. ul-Jheshmi remained head of the imperial dynasty until his death in 1912.He was succeeded by his brother Mizra ul-Jhesmi ,who died in 1930.He in turn was succeeded by his sun Abdullah ul-Jhesmi (1930-1962) , Karim ul-Jhesmi (1962-1970) , Khaim III. ul-Jhesmi (1970-1971) , Khaim IV. ul-Jhesmi (1971-1983) , Ahmed ul-Jesmi (1983-1999) and the curent co-heads of the house , Osman ul-Jhesmi (1999-) and Etergul ul-Jhesmi (2004-)

Acts considered provocative by the Desh government:

No teritory held directly by Desh was ever ocupied and no state under Desh's rule was taken until the conquest of Lima in 1882.However, several acts of the Empiere were considered a provocation by the Imperial Government of Desh.The first of these was the anexation of the Horde of the Red Huns ,a teritory where a palnned Desh expedition was already beign directed,in order to secure local coal mines.The dispute was setled by the Treaty of Ögluz ,witch allowed Desh to mine coal in the Hordes former teritories under a medium Buyiri Koro surveilance. However,another incident involved the anexation of Yelow Horde ,a state under official "protection" of Desh,in 1870.This resulted in Imperial Edict n. 143/Yama'k Watay IV./Parliament acts and Imperial Edict n. 144/Yama'k Watay IV./Imperial acts ,witch declared Buyiri Koro an enemy and demanded "either war of economic benefits" from Buyiri Koro.This began a longlasting dispute on the verge of a "cold war".

One of its subsequent political acts against Desh was the recognition of the independance of the Federated States of Desh (FSD) in 1867.In 1871 Burton Smith ,Head of State of the FSD recognised the legitimacy of Buyiri Koro holding over Yelow Horde teritory.However,Smtuh was forced to resign,partialy because of this decision,because he acted without consent of Senate.However the ratification was re-legitimized in 1875 by Howard Mackenzie .

Political organisation:

The nation was organised into 8 provinces since 1879.New teritories were only incorporated into existing provinces after that date.The state was governed by the Absolutistic emperor (Shahanshah) and the imperial "Sharem"-a form of populist parliament,chosen and controled by the Emperor.It was the Sharems duty to ratify a declaration of war issued forth by the Emperor and govenr state taxes and infrastructure improvement.The head of the Sharem was titles "Sharemshah" and was a cross between Spokesman of Parliament,Prime Minister and Imperial Councilor.After 1889,the 3 remaining provinces were reorganized and given greater self rule.This was abolished with the destruction of the empiere in 1901.



The Imperial government,alongside the emperor,oficialy adopted Islam in 1860.Following acts included forced embracing of Islam in new won teritories.This practise,was however,discontinued after the death of the first emperor, Allam ul-Jaddam ,whose successor,Khaim ul-Jheshmi , promoted a multi-religious organisation.


The nation issued a "Imperial Riyad" (IR) curency untill 1888 and an "Imperial Sharzam" (IS) since 1889.1 IR was standartly equivalent to 2 Desh Imperial Zands and the after 1890,1 Imperial Zand was equal to 8 Imperial Sharzam's.

Anexed countries:

List of rulers