Círdan Glorfalas

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Círdan i Úmanya Alarion carte Glorfalas Herú Beleriand
Date of Birth
38 Hrívë 5116 (28 December 1958)
Place of Birth
Ost-in-Edhil, Beleriand
Political Afilliation
Marduuk Party
Position in Empire
Governor-Consul-General of Ithilien

Círdan Glorfalas, is the Governor-Consul-General of the Imperial Province of Nevrast. He was once a Commodore in the 13th Imperial Fleet. He was appointed to his post during the Fourth Party Congress.

He was done very little to change the economy of the province, which is fine, concidering the economy mainly deals with the exportation of silk and wine.

Fun Facts

  • Eats his meat well done.
  • Plays the piano.
  • Hates ice-skating.