Caerllucheden Castle

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Caerllucheden Castle
Caerllucheden Castle

Caerllucheden Castle is the most popular sight visited in Caerllucheden. It is the largest ancient castle in the region (570 m long, on average 128 m wide, area 7.28 hectares). Constructed was initiated by King Cadeyrn VIII, the castle transformed itself from a wooden fortress surrounded by earthen bulwarks to the imposing form it has today. Rulers made their own additions so there is a mixture of styles.

The castle has three courtyards and it has always been the seat of Fennian rulers as well as the official residence.

Chapel of the Holy Cross (Betws chan 'r 'n Gysegr-lân Chroesa)

The Chapel of the Holy Cross was designed by Raphael Jones. There are cult objects, such as relics, busts, crucifixes, shrines, vestments, monstrances, bibles, plaques, paintings, jewels, gold- and silver-plated weapons.

Picture Gallery of Caerllucheden Castle (Darlunia Horiel chan Caerllucheden Castella)

The gallery houses paintings from the Avatarium days. The highlights include Raker's The Toilet of a Young Lady, Deupoint's The Assembly of the Olympic Gods. There are also sculptures, paintings by Fennian Baroque artists.

St Philip de Fry's Cathedral (Seintia Philip de Fry's Cathedral)

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